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Viewing Event Data

The logged data can be view in the 'Event Log' catalog and the editor called from the catalog.

Important notes:

  • The information is meant strictly for the administrator. Attention should be paid especially to privacy considerations.
  • Huge amounts of data are to be expected. Searching and sorting in the catalog may be time-consuming. By default the catalog is sorted according to the creation time of the events and it is recommended to keep this default order.

Opening an event in the editor (action 'View' in the catalog context menu) provides a detailed overview of all event attributes and access to its referenced objects.

Event Attributes

  • Event Type - Type of the event according to the classification used for event enabling in 'Application Monitoring Settings'.
  • Time Frame - Time frame specifies the type of event from the viewpoint of time information logging:
    • Normal - event that is considered a "homogeneous" interval on the time line.
      Either it is a single point of time which receives only the Start Time information (all user events and errors fall into this category)
      it is a time interval withing which no other events are logged.
      SQL events represent this type of events. A single SQL event receives both Start and End Time information, there is no need to split it into a Start and end Event (see below for explanation) because from the viewpoint of the application it is not an interval interrupted by other related sub-events.
    • Start / End - events of Time Frame 'Start' and 'End' represent a couple of functionally related events which mark a time period within which other "sub-events" occur. Due to this fact they cannot be considered "homogeneous" in the sense used with 'Normal' Time Frame.

      Technical events Workflow, Workflow Activity and Request use the Start / End time frame combination.

  • Message - Additional information about the event, processed to be as comprehensible as possible. What is actually displayed depends on the Event Type. For example:
    for Event Type 'Action' - name of the action plus its context are displayed
    for Event Type 'SQL' - the SQL statement is displayed
  • Data - Raw data unprocessed and unformatted, e.g. an SQL statement with placeholders
  • Parameters - Real values used, e.g. values in the SQL statement

    The message field thus combines the data and the parameters. This way the separate Data and Parameter fields can be used e.g. to search for all SQL statements of a certain type regardless of used values.

  • Start Time / End Time /Duration

    See Time Frame (above) and 'The Start-End Events Example' for more information on the Start Time / End Time concept. Note that the 'Duration' value is calculated form the Start Time of the starting event and the End Time of the finishing event.

    Note also that for GUI-related workflows and workflow activities, the End Time is taken at the moment when the serviced GUI element (catalog, editor) is closed. For this reason the time for which the GUI element was opened is subtracted from the duration, thus providing information only about the workflow or workflow activity itself.

  • User - Relation to the user who started the action, or encrypted user ID if setting 'Encrypt User ID' is enabled.
  • Session Information (Host name, Login Date)
  • Relations to objects related to the logged event
  • Stack (SQL events) - detailed information for programmers, listing of used methods.

About Errors:

For event type 'Error', the 'Data' and 'Parameters' fields contain suitably separated information found in the 'Message'. For example:

  • Message: org.python.core.PyException: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getBOField'
  • Data (Exception Class): org.python.core.PyException
  • Parameters: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getBOField'

This can be used to search and group errors for maximum effectiveness during error analysis.

In This Chapter

The Start-End Events Example

Event Data Actions

Event Data Analysis

See Also

Event Logging

Event Logging Settings