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License Management Administration

Valuemation - SmartTrack integration is administered using the 'License Management Administration' business view. The business view contains the following elements:


  • Settings - SmartTrack

    Settings influencing the exchange of data between Valuemation and SmartTrack. See below for more information.

  • Open ST Export

    Action exporting Valuemation data relevant for SmartTrack processing (i.e. objects related to Valuemation item types linked to SmartTrack products) into the 'Supplier' structure.


  • Supplier

    Folder structure which holds data exported by the 'Open ST Export' function. The structure corresponds to SmartTrack data structure and terminology. (Note that the term 'Devices' corresponds to (Valuemation) 'Systems' and 'Inventory Raw' to (Valuemation) 'Components'.)

    Data stored here is used for import into SmartTrack.

  • Import from SmartTrack

    Data imported from SmartTrack, namely 'ST Product Catalog' containing data imported from SmartTrack's own product catalog and used for 'Valuemation Item Type - SmartTrack Product' synchronization.

Additionally, some pre-customized standard catalogs exist and can be added to the 'License Management Administration' sidebar. For instance:

  • 'Product Types from SmartTrack'

    A catalog of Valuemation item types filtered to contain only item types created on the basis of SmartTrack products (i.e. created by action 'Create with SmartTrack').

Settings - SmartTrack

  • Default Import Data Source ID

    Setting specifying identification added to Valuemation data so that SmartTrack recognizes it as coming from Valuemation.

  • Maximum value for date fields

    SmartTrack and Valuemation end dates differ. To reconcile this, objects prepared for SmartTrack import have the default Valuemation end date overwritten with the value specified in the 'Maximum value for date fields' attribute.

  • License Input Data Method

    Setting specifying mapping of Valuemation organizational structure into the structure used by SmartTrack. The first three levels are taken into account.

  • Contract Costcenter From

    Setting specifying how cost centers are linked to contracts. Two possibilities exist:

    • Contract Signer - the cost center to which the person who signed the contract belongs is assigned to the contract
    • First Payschedule - the cost center from which the first pay schedule generated for the contract is drawn is assigned to the contract
  • Get Software Inventory

    The setting (yes/no) determines whether software components are also included in the data prepared for SmartTrack import.

  • Data Source for Software Inventory

    If the 'Get Software Inventory' settings is 'Yes' (i.e. components are also imported to SmartTrack), then 'Data Source for Software Inventory' is available and it determines how the data is obtained. Two possibilities exist:

    • CIC - data is obtained from an inventory scanning application
    • VM - data stored in Valuemation is taken over
  • CIC Import Data Method

    If 'CIC' is chosen in 'Data Source for Software Inventory', then 'CIC Import Data Method' is available and it determines how the result of the inventory scan is transfered (ARP, FILE).

  • ST Accounts System Type

    Specifies the name of the system type used for creation of ST accounts with special person rights.

  • Start Date for License Export

    Specifies the creation date limit for export of licenses to SmartTrack. Only licenses created after the specified date will be included in the data prepared for import by SmartTrack.

  • Not Exported Contracts Condition

    In this setting it is possible to specify a condition which determines which contracts will bypass the 'Open ST Export' action and thus will not be included in the data prepared for import by SmartTrack.

  • Created Manufacturer Default Comment

    Comment added to manufacturers created automatically by the import from ST Product Catalog. The comment can be specified using Valuemation 'Translations of Application Text'.

  • Name for Unknown Manufacturer

    If no manufacturer is specified in the Valuemation data prepared for import by SmartTrack, the value specified in 'Name for Unknown Manufacturer' will be used.

  • Basic Software Class Name

    If no software class is specified in SmartTrack for an ST product from which a Valuemation item type has been created, then 'Basic Software Class Name' value will be used in the Valuemation item type.

  • ST Dummy Contract

    The setting specifies exclusion of contracts from SmartTrack processing. Contracts with the specified name will not be included in the data prepared for import by SmartTrack.

  • ST Dummy Cost Center

    The setting specifies exclusion of cost centers from SmartTrack processing. Valuemation objects belonging to the cost center of the specified name will not be included in the data prepared for import by SmartTrack.

See Also

Software License Management

Software License Manager

Valuemation - SmartTrack Data Exchange