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Measuring the Performance

The console makes it easy to spot a performance problem.

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There are several options for this:

  • timeHighlightEnabled

    If enabled, a special time highlight (a horizontal blue bar) will be rendered along the left side of the console on lines containing 'time = N' when N is greater then 'timeHighlightThreshold'. The width of the highlight will be proportional to the actual time.

  • timeHighlightThreshold

    The time threshold in milliseconds which must be exceeded for the time highlight to be rendered. See also 'timeHighlightEnabled' for more information.

  • timeHighlightBaseWidth

    The time highlight base width in pixels (the minimum width of the blue bar). See also 'timeHighlightEnabled' for more information.

Example: The console output. Notice the blue bars.

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See Also


Key Console Features

Working with the Console