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User Sessions Logging

User Sessions Logging makes it possible to keep track of user sessions. The data is stored in database table AMT_SESSION.


User Sessions Logging needs to be enabled. To do so, go to Valuemation Global Settings/Application Monitoring and select the 'Logging Enabled' check box in the 'User Sessions Logging' section.

The section contains the following further related settings:

  • Log also unsuccessful logins

    Enables logging of login attempts containing an unknown user name (including those authenticated through the SSO methods) or an invalid password.

  • Client check time interval

    Time interval in which the Valuemation client refreshes information about user sessions.

  • Timeout for marking of inactive sessions

    Time interval for marking a user session inactive when there is no refresh from the client.

Viewing the Data

The information logged according to the above mentioned settings can be viewed using catalogs found in the Application Monitoring folder of Valuemation Core sidebar:

  • Connected Users

    When logging is enabled, the sessions of all currently logged in users can be seen in the 'Connected Users' catalog.

    The information displayed in the catalog is updated according to the 'Client check time interval' and 'Timeout for marking of inactive sessions' settings.

    Logged information:

    • User Name - Valuemation user ID.
    • First Name - First name of the Valuemation user
    • Last Name - Last name of the Valuemation user
    • Login Date - Date and time when the user logged in
    • Host Name - Host name of the user's computer
  • All User Sessions

    When logging is enabled, both active and inactive sessions of successfully logged in users can be seen in the 'All User Sessions' catalog.

    The information displayed in the catalog is updated according to the 'Client check time interval' and 'Timeout for marking of inactive sessions' settings.

    Logged information:

    • User Name - Valuemation user ID
    • First Name - First name of the Valuemation user
    • Last Name - Last name of the Valuemation user
    • Login Date - Date and time when the user logged in
    • Check Date - Date and time when the user session was last checked for activity according to Application Monitoring Settings
    • Logout Date - Date and time when the user logged out
    • Logout Type - Type of user session ending - Closed / User Logout / Time Out
    • Host Name - Host name of the user's computer
    • Active - Check box indicating whether the user session is still active
  • Unsuccessful Logins

    When logging is enabled (both 'Logging Enabled' and 'Log also unsuccessful logins' must be selected), every login attempt containing an unknown user name (including those authenticated through SSO) or an invalid password is logged and can be seen in the 'Unsuccessful Logins' catalog.

    Logged information:

    • User Name - Valuemation user ID
    • First Name - First name of the Valuemation user
    • Last Name - Last name of the Valuemation user
    • Attempt Date - Date and time when the user tried to log in
    • Host Name - Host name of the user's computer

    Login attempts with invalid passwords are recorded with links to the corresponding users in the AMT_S3USER table. USERCRE attribute is used to record the user names entered in the login dialog.

    Login attempts with unknown user names are recorded into the AMT_SESSION table without links to the AMT_S3USER table. First and Last Names are empty.

  • Active Workflows (depricated)

    In older Valuemation versions, catalog 'Active Workflows' provided an overview of running transient workflows. This functionality has been replaced by technical events logging (workflow data, workflow activity).

See Also

Application Monitoring

Event Logging

