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Configuration and Settings

In the 'Web.xml' deployment descriptor, it is possible to configure the context of the URL (set to 'status' by default) under which you can access the Status Page.

There are different output formats which you can control by using appropriate parameters.

The available output formats are:

  • HTML page.
  • Data in JSON format.
  • Data in XML format.

To control the output format, use one of these request parameters:

  • json

    To get result as text in JSON format.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?json

  • xml

    To get result as text in XML format.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?xml

Note: Do not set any parameters to get full HTML page.

Here is a list of request parameters for getting individual VMWeb statuses:

  • all

    To get all statuses (optional; a default value if there is not any parameter).

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?all

  • vmweb

    To get the status of VMWeb servlet.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?vmweb

    Result value: ["NOK" | "OK"]

  • dbconnall

    To get a count of all reserved database connections.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?dbconnall

    Result value: ["-1" | "{NUMBER}"]

  • dbconnact

    To get a count of the currently active database connections.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?dbconnact

    Result value: ["-1" | "{NUMBER}"]

  • thread

    To get a count of threads registered in JVM.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?thread

    Result value: ["-1" | "{NUMBER}"]

  • memory

    To get the status of the memory consumption.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?memory

    Result value in [MB]: "{NUMBER1} | {NUMBER2} | {NUMBER3}"

    • {NUMBER1} == allocated
    • {NUMBER2} == free
    • {NUMBER3} == max
  • bpe

    To get the status of the process engine configuration, process interpreter and task executor.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?bpe

    The result are three parameters:

    • bpe

      Result value: ["NOK" | "OK"]

    • bpepi

      Result value: ["NOK" | "OK"]

    • bpete

      Result value: ["NOK" | "OK"]

  • vmwebavg5

    To get an average VMWeb response time in the last 5 minutes.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?vmwebavg5

    Result value in [ms]: ["-1" | "{NUMBER}"]

  • vmwebavg15

    To get an average VMWeb response time in the last 15 minutes.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?vmwebavg15

    Result value in [ms]: ["-1" | "{NUMBER}"]

  • sqlavg5

    To get an average SQL statements response time in the last 5 minutes

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?sqlavg5

    Result value in [ms]: ["-1" | "{NUMBER}"]

  • sqlavg15

    To get an average SQL statements response time in the last 15 minutes.

    Example: http://localhost:8080/status?sqlavg15

    Result value in [ms]: ["-1" | "{NUMBER}"]

Note: If no parameters have been set, all statuses will be returned.

It is also possible to get a combination of desired parameters in the desired output format:

Example: http://localhost:8080/status?thread&dbconnall&xml

In this URL sample, note that the question marks serves as a separator. Next you enter the desired parameter(s) and the output format, all linked with ampersands.

To define VMWeb servlet URL, the following request parameters can be applied:

  • sname

    VMWeb server name, e.g.; default =

  • sport

    VMWeb server port number, e.g. 8090; default = the current status info request port number.

  • sscheme

    Request scheme/protocol, e.g http, https; default = the current status info request scheme.

  • scontextpath

    VMWeb servlet name, e.g. vmweb, default = vmweb.

If these parameters are not set and there is the 'VMWeb / VMWebRoot' main parameter defined, the value (== URL) of this main parameter is used to access the VMWeb servlet. If the main parameter is not defined and any of the request parameters (sname, sport, sscheme, scontextpath) is not defined, the default value is used for the created VMWeb server URL.

Language and translations of the HTML page

The Status Page is available in English only. If other languages are requested, please note that the database connection could be broken so translations should not be stored in the database.

See Also

Status Page

Calling the Status Page