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Installation Terms

'admin.bat' file

Relates to the Rich Client configuration. In the admin.bat file, the mode of J2RE and Valuemation cache settings can be changed or added. See also the admin.bat topic for enhanced description.

Authentication Configuration (Web Client)

The appropriate type of the authentication should have been selected on the 'Authentication Type' page of the Installation Wizard.

The basic authentication types available in the Wizard were as follows:

  • AuthenticationManagerS3User

    When a user wants to log in, he gets the standard login dialog and has to enter his user name and password which is stored in Valuemation via User Management.

  • AuthenticationManagerWEBLogon

    Allows the Single Sign On (SSO) login for web authentication. It also offers the user to sign in the usual way if Single Sign On does not work.

  • AuthenticationManagerCompositeLogon

    Offers the same functionality as AuthenticationManagerJNDI (see the note below), however, it proceeds with the standard AuthenticationManagerS3User authentication type if not successful.

    Note: When using 'AuthenticationManagerJNDI' option, all users will be taken from an external LDAP-compatible source. User data is imported to Valuemation, where it can be viewed using the User Manager. But unlike the first option, the passwords are not stored in Valuemation but are kept at the LDAP and the users will be authenticated online against that server during each logon.

Authentication Types (Rich Client)

The default Authentication Type Configuration is set automatically during the Valuemation Rich Client installation. However, you’ll have to edit the configuration files manually for subsequent changes.

In the 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file (located in the Valuemation root directory), you can add, modify and delete the Authentication Types Configurations, which involves the selection of Authentication Manager Mode and Database Connection Password setting.

The configuration to be used is then selected through the '' file, which is also located in the Valuemation root directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Valuemation).

'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file

In the AuthenticationManager_jaas.config file you have to define which "sessions" are used. In other words, which database connections have to be established.

'' file

In the, a type of authentication can be set. The detailed configuration of the authentification is done in the "AuthenticationManager_jaas.config" file.

'' file

This file serves for indirect configuration of the (setting the main configuration parameters for the database connection). Right after the successful connection to the DB, Valuemation will check whether the JDBC driver has higher or equal version than the DB server - if not, an error dialog will be shown to inform about this. The check is done only for Oracle connections.

You have to define the name of the sessions properties - database type (e.g. with Oracle the is configured). The individual properties then use environment variables which are replaced by the settings in the

Our standard connection setting is pooled under the name "VALUEMATION". The correct setting of this "VALUEMATION" session is necessary to run Valuemation.

Escalation Server

The installation of this component is meant for the escalation functionality. On the windows platform, a service will be created. This service starts automatically at the computer startup. Additionally, an option to create a scheduled task for the Mail-In-Interface is provided under Windows.

Installation Wizard

The Valuemation Installation Wizard is an installation assistant which presents a user with a sequence of dialog boxes that lead him through a series of well-defined steps. The Installation Wizard guides you through the installation of the Valuemation Rich Client, Valuemation Web Client and the Escalation Server. It also helps you to create a database and configure the deployment file for the application server.

Note that after the wizard-based installation of Valuemation is finished, it is still possible to make various post-installation configuration settings.

Rich Client

The term "Valuemation Rich Client" refers to the concept when the application is being run either on individual client machines with JAVA runtime (JRE/JDK). The rich and interactive user interfaces are locally deployed to the client machine.

Rich Client for Administrator

An installation option of a Rich Client used for the administration of Valuemation.

Rich Client for Customizer

An installation option of a Rich Client intended for Valuemation customizers (Valuemation with Jetty).

Rich Client for End-User

An installation option of a Rich Client used used by the actual end-users.

'runCrypto.bat' file

The runCrypto.bat serves for crypting database passwords.

'' file

After the installation of a Valuemation client, there is often a need to modify the database connection settings. For example, in order to set the name of a company server the Valuemation database will be stored at, or to add an additional data source later on.

'' is a configuration file located in the Valuemation root directory. It is used to define the session environment for an application such as the database connection parameters.

Different predefined '' for all supported databases are provided in the Valuemation installationfolder.

'set_env.bat' file

Relates to the Rich Client configuration. In the set_env.bat file, the installation path of the Java 2 Runtime Environment and the installation path of Valuemation have to be specified.

Single Sign On

The Single Sign on authentication mode will be used when the 'AuthenticationManagerWEBLogon' Authentication Type was selected and the 'VMWebSSOEnable' mainparameter was set to 'true'.

The Single Sign On (SSO) authentication type frees Valuemation users from the obligation to enter their username and password each time they log in. Valuemation web application assumes that the user password has been already authenticated (either through the NTLM authentication protocol or from an HTTP request) and thus, upon accessing the Valuemation Web Client, the user logs in without displaying the Standard Login Dialog.

Note: Please note that as Valuemation currently supports only NTLMv1, using NTLM via Valuemation itself in combination with jCIFS could represent security risks and thus is not recommended.

Standard Login Dialog

The Standard Login Dialog will be used when the 'AuthenticationManagerS3User' Authentication Type was selected and the 'VMWebSSOEnable' mainparameter set to 'false'.

Note: See also the description of all 'VMWeb' mainparameters in the Authentication Configuration topic in Valuemation Help.

When the Standard Login Dialog authentication type is chosen, users have to enter their User Names and Passwords (optionally a domain, too) whenever they want to log in. The Web Client will be launched or you will be asked to enter your user name and/or password again when the previously entered ones do not match with those saved in the Valuemation database.

'' file

Relates to the Web Client. It is a configuration file which enables to set certain Valuemation Web Client parameters outside the installed web application. The path to the configuration file is defined through the system property vm.config. The path can be either relative or absolute.

Web Client

The term "Valuemation Web Client" refers to the concept when the application interface can be accessed through generic web clients communicating with a Valuemation server which does the actual data processing and presents results in HTML format.

'Web.xml' file

Relates to the Web Client. 'Web.xml' file is a standard file where Valuemation web server related parameters are stored.

See Also

Glossary of Basic Terms

Valuemation GUI Terms

Core Functionality Terms

Business Functionality Object Types