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Valuemation GUI Terms

Action InfoObject

In Valuemation, actions can be started in different ways: using buttons and context menus, or from special lists of actions such as the Actions section of the Sidebar or the Action InfoObject. The Action InfoObject enables creation of a customized, graphically pleasing list of selected actions ideally suited for a certain task or task area. For instance, standard Valuemation '1st Level Support' business view contains an Action InfoObject called 'Support Center Tasks' providing large buttons which can be used to instantly trigger frequently used first level support actions.

Basic settings

Some basic selections need to be made when working with Valuemation. Depending on how you use the application, you may need to perform them on a regular basis or just occasionally. These selections are made through the Toolbar including the Business View Selector.

The very basic operations and settings in Valuemation include the following: Selecting a Business View, setting or changing the language, GUI skin and making some specific client settings, switching windows, switching clients and working with bookmarks.


Enable you to mark a specific place or object for later retrieval. In Valuemation, the bookmarks function as shortcuts to commonly used objects which are mostly catalogs and editors. Using the Bookmark button, you can quickly access all the bookmarks stored in a well-arranged list.

Breadcrumb Navigation

A feature of the Service Request Shop. At the top of the 'Workspace' and 'Configurator' windows, a category path leading to the current position in the categories hierarchy is always displayed. Clicking in the path makes it possible to go back to any step along the way to the currently selected category.

Business View

Business views are predefined definitions of the Valuemation desktop optimized for a certain task or set of tasks. For example, the '1st Level Support' business view provides a set of tools likely to be used for performing first level support tasks. Similar examples include 'Call Center Agent', 'Configuration Manager', etc.

Business views are selected using a Business View Selector (see below). One user can have access to a number of business views or just one business view covering his or her entire work assignment.

Most Valuemation business views provide two Perspectives (see below).

Business View Selector

The Business View selector is available in the left part of the Valuemation tool bar. It contains a drop-down menu which you can select the required Business View from. The selected Business View is highlighted in yellow on the menu.

Catalogs and Catalog InfoObject

Catalogs are custom-defined listings of objects belonging to one object type. Catalogs and views are two basic ways of displaying Valuemation data. Catalogs display collections of objects, views are used to display and edit data contained in one of these objects.

Multiple catalogs (and editors) can be displayed as tabs inside the Workspace InfoObject. A catalog can also be defined and used as a Catalog InfoObject displaying one selected catalog independently on the Workspace. This way the catalog can be made always visible in a certain perspective. This solution is ideal for monitoring of regular, recurring tasks. An example would be catalogs such as: 'Incidents In My Responsibility' or 'Ticket Activities For Me'.

Catalog Filtering

Catalogs can also be filtered using criteria applied directly to catalog columns. This can be done by choosing an attribute to be used for filtering, right-licking the corresponding column header, selecting the 'Show column filter' action and specifying the search criteria. A Catalog filtered in this way displays a filtering 'funnel' icon in the column headers, with red filtering icon displayed in the column with the applied filter.

Catalog Grouping

It is possible to group the content of a catalog according to one or more attributes. For instance, it might be useful to group a catalog of incidents according to severity and support group, or to group a catalog of contract items according to contract type and contract partner.

When Grouping is used in Valuemation catalogs, the individual values of the top level grouping attribute are listed together with the number of business objects which have that value in that attribute. The defined grouping can be activated or deactivated when required.

Catalog Modes (aka Catalog Layouts, Catalog Views)

The listings of objects in a catalog can be displayed in several graphical representations - catalog modes.

  • Table Mode

    Catalog in a table mode displays a list of objects. Each row represents one object of the catalog's object type, columns display individual attributes.

  • TreeView Mode

    Catalog in a tree mode displays objects as expandable nodes. When expanded, an object node contains the object's attributes and relations. Expanding a relation node reveals target objects of the relation. These are represented by object nodes which can by further expanded.

  • Visualizer Mode (Visualizer)

    The visualizer mode (often referred to simply as the "Visualizer") provides a graphical overview of the objects contained in a catalog and their relations to other objects. Object attributes are displayed in the form of tool tip boxes. The visualizer view can be extensively customized.

  • MultiLine Mode

    In this mode, objects are displayed one after another in a table-like fashion similar to the table mode, the difference being that each object can be devoted several lines. Thus it is possible to display more data with no need to open a dedicated object viewer/editor. MultiLine mode is available in Valuemation Web Client only.

  • Calendar Mode

    Calendar mode displays catalog data in a calendar form. It is applicable for data with a time aspect to it.

  • Chart Mode

    This mode displays content of the catalog in a chart. The result depends on the actual grouping set in the catalog. The Catalog to Chart View button is automatically shown when the are some groupings set.

  • List View

    This mode displays a simplified list of objects without columns. It can be useful for the Catalog InfoObjects because the simple list usually takes less space then a normal catalog.

  • Master/Detail View

    This view mode offers a combination of a table view with an active editor preview. The key benefit of this option is that you have a catalog available on the left side and the editor on the right at the same time.

Not all existing catalog modes may be available for a given catalog. Visualizer, MultiLine Mode and Calendar Mode have to be specifically enabled and customized before they can be used. Additionally, MultiLine Mode and Calendar Mode are currently available in Valuemation Web Client only.

Catalog Search

The top portion of a catalog may display a search area which can be used to find an object or restrict the selection of displayed objects according to specified criteria. Valuemation catalogs provide the following types of search functionality:

  • Field Search

    Enables you to filter objects in an opened catalog by specifying the Field Search criteria. Only the fields defined on the Field Search View can be used. The conditions are joined with 'AND' operator.

  • Column Search

    The most intuitive, easiest and speedy way of performing a search. It is very similar to Field Search regarding its abilities but unlike Field Search, you can directly define and see the filtering criteria. The Column Search also takes less space on GUI.

  • Expert Search

    Enables you to filter objects using more complex search criteria. The Expert Search uses a table-like interface allowing any attribute to be used for searching. For a common end-user, this type of search may be too complex sometimes but it is also the most powerful type of search which overcomes the limitations of the Field and Column Search types.

  • Live Search

    Live Search can be viewed as an extension of the One Cell Reference View search. As you start to type your keyword, the Live Search functionality initiates the search in the background and instantly shows the possible matches of your unfinished entry below in a Live Search box. If you cannot see the results you are searching for, you can keep typing and the results are being updated continuously.

  • Quick Search

    The Quick Search represents the most simple and intuitive way of searching in a catalog. You can perform an ad hoc search for one or more keywords in catalog attributes using a simple search field in a short time. The Quick Search works independently of the Field, Column and Expert search modes - it complements these search modes. By default, the Quick Search is available in all catalogs and reference views.

Dashboard InfoObjects

Valuemation enables you to use interactive reporting and visualization of important KPIs and analyses in the form of various dashboards. The dashboards are available as authorized InfoObjects used mainly on the welcome pages (Home Perspective) of various Valuemation managers. These Dashboard InfoObjects are provided in both English and German depending on the application GUI language.

Valuemation uses primarily the USU Valuemation Analytics tool for consolidating, analyzing and presenting IT data. Valuemation Analytics data presentation is based on KPIs and customized dashboards facilitating easy analysis of data and detection of interrelationships, dependencies and weak points in the business operation.

Historically, Valuemation also uses predefined MashApps (ARIS MashZone composite applications) to offer interactive reporting and visualization of important KPIs. The MashApps are also available as authorized InfoObjects used on the welcome pages (Home Perspective) of various Valuemation managers.

Dynamic Fields

Dynamic fields are fields whose presence in the editor is governed by view rules, i.e. the field is displayed only when a certain condition is met.

Editor Fields, Mandatory Fields, Reference Views

Editor fields display information "contained in the underlying business object", i.e. attribute values of the particular object in the database.

Several types of editor fields exist:

  • Plain Attributes

    These fields reference attributes of the business object which is being edited. By editing these fields you change the information stored in this particular object. Depending on the editor customization, an attribute field may be a straightforward text field or one of standard controls such as List Control, Choice Box, Radio Buttons, Date Calendar etc.
    For example, the 'System Name' attribute in a System editor displays information actually contained in the System business object.

  • Reference Fields (Reference Views)

    These fields reference attributes of business objects linked to the object opened in the editor. For example, the 'System Coordinator' attribute in a System editor displays information contained in the Person business object which is linked to the particular system. Fields in the reference view cannot be used to change or enter data directly, for this an editor for the referenced object must be opened.
    If a collection of objects of another object type is linked to the edited object, these are displayed in so called Reference Catalogs.

Editor fields with bold font labels display so called mandatory attributes, that is attributes that must not be left empty. Mandatory fields have to be filled in before an object can be saved.

Global Search

A single search type which enables you to search globally within the entire database. It allows you to search globally in Valuemation across all configured object types and their relations (if specified).


InfoObjects are individual elements of the perspective layout which display information of a certain kind. They represent 'modules' of the screen which can be reordered, resized or even removed from the screen (if the user has been granted permissions to do so).

InfoObjects can display catalogs, editors, sets of actions and more. Examples of InfoObjects include: Sidebar InfoObject, Workspace InfoObject, Catalog InfoObject, Action InfoObject, URL InfoObject, Dashboard InfoObject...

InfoObject Selector

The InfoObject selector is a dedicated drop-down box available in the right-hand part of Valuemation tool bar. It contains InfoObject categories on the first level and the actual InfoObjects on the second level.

Keypress Navigation

The keypress navigation speeds up the process of inserting values into various combo boxes. If you meet a combo box with a rather long list of values, you can either select the value by "look and find" approach or use your keyboard to get around the selection process faster.

News InfoObject

The News InfoObject is a special kind of InfoObject which is intended for the display of news in the form of short messages in the Web Client. The messages can be created by an administrator and can be displayed in the News InfoObject with regard to the predefined authorization rules and limitations.

Nested Actions in Catalogs and Views

With the ongoing functionality enhancement, the sheer number of actions (buttons) on a catalog or view can become disorganized. In Valuemation, it is possible to "nest" required actions. It means to form them into logical groups on both the Catalogs and Views as well as in the context menus.

Such grouping according to the content serves to improve clarity of the structure, simplifies the context menus and improves an overall control of the application.

Object Attachments

Every generic business object stored in Valuemation can have files attached to it. Three types of attachments are provided: File Attachments, Link Attachments and Hyperlink Attachments.

Objects Mainfolder

Most work in the Sidebar InfoObject is done in the Objects mainfolder. This mainfolder contains icons representing links to actions and catalogs associated with the currently selected Valuemation Business View.

Perspective (Home / Work / Dashboard Page)

Perspectives can be seen as different modes or layouts of a particular business view. Up to 3 perspective icons may be available.

  • Start Page

    A perspective offering quick access to often used functionality via customizable smart tiles.

  • Work Page (Working Area)

    A perspective in which most of the actual data processing is done.

  • Dashboard Page

    A perspective providing data overview via a set of dashboard InfoObjects.

Printing in Valuemation

To print out reports, lists and summaries, you can use the following tools in Valuemation: Print to PDF functionality, VMA reports or Valuemation Internal Print Engine.

Reference Catalog

The bottom part of the editor consists of one or more tabs containing Reference Catalogs (sometimes called 'too-many-view' in the Valuemation lingo). One reference catalog displays a collection of objects referenced (directly or through other objects) by the object opened in the editor.
For example, one system can be assigned to more than one cost centers. The 'Cost Centers' tab in a System editor displays a list of all Cost Center objects linked to the currently edited System object.

Rich Text Editor

Two basic types of text fields can be found in the editors: so called plain text fields and rich text fields (also referred to as 'Rich Text Editor').

Plain text fields look and behave like any other attribute field. They enable input or editing of simple textual data without formatting. Rich Text Editor supports text formatting and provides the controls for working with formatted text.

Note that Rich Text Editor is only available in Valuemation web client.

Sidebar (aka Side Bar)

The Sidebar InfoObject can be considered the main navigational unit in Valuemation. It lists and manages main objects such as catalogs and actions. By default, the Sidebar comprises of two default sections - called mainfolders: Objects and My Objects (Bookmarks). The Sidebar can also contain some user-defined mainfolders.

The Objects mainfolder provides fast access to Valuemation actions and selected catalogs available for the currently used Business View. The My Objects mainfolder lists all defined bookmarks, which can function as shortcuts to commonly used objects (catalogs, editors etc.)

The mainfolders are displayed as expandable vertical tabs. Clicking on a tab expands the corresponding mainfolder.

Smart Tiles

Smart Tiles are shortcuts to Valuemation catalogs, actions or web pages. They enable you to access frequent Valuemation tasks with a single click directly from the Business View Start Page. Smart Tiles are the key feature of the Start Page perspective.

Three types of Smart Tiles exist:

  • Catalog tile - opens a Valuemation catalog. Depending on catalog customization, the current number of objects in the catalog may be displayed in the tile top right-hand corner
  • Action tile - starts an action. Often opens a wizard (e.g. a wizard for creation of an object of a specific object type), in which case the first editor or catalog of the wizard sequence gets opened. The catalog or editor may open either in the Workspace or as a popup window.
  • URL tile - opens a predefined web page

Tabs Horizontal Scrolling

When there are too many tabs to be displayed in a single row, the tabs will automatically enable horizontal scrolling with the horizontal and vertical arrows.


The Valuemation Toolbar is located in the top right-hand corner of the GUI. It contains selectable image buttons which give you a constantly visible reminder of and an easy way to select certain functions. For example, it allow you to choose active windows, switch active language, log out etc.

URL InfoObject

URL InfoObjects are used to display web pages hosted on the Internet or Intranet directly within the Valuemation desktop. URL InfoObjects are usually used with the Home Perspective. They can display various kinds of information such as web-based administration tools (Oracle Enterprise Manager, iSQLplus, LDAP administration, etc.), web-based knowledge sources (USU Knowledge Miner, Google, etc.) or miscellaneous custom-made web tools (messenger applications, tips of the day, etc.).

Views (Editors)

Catalogs and views are two basic ways of displaying Valuemation data. While catalogs display collections of objects, views are custom-defined forms displaying data contained in one Valuemation object. Views are used mainly for object display, editing and data entry. The most common way of opening a view is by opening an object from a catalog.

To be able to accommodate all information, the GUI of the editor usually comprises of several tabs containing fields with attribute values of the currently displayed business object. Furthermore, the bottom section of the editor provides one or more additional tabs containing referenced catalogs.


The Workspace InfoObject is where Valuemation catalogs and editors are displayed and where the actual work with Valuemation data is carried out. Workspace is usually the main part Work Perspective. The portion of the screen occupied by the Workspace InfoObject relative to the Sidebar InfoObject may be adjusted by dragging their common borderline left or right.

See Also

Glossary of Basic Terms

Core Functionality Terms

Business Functionality Object Types

Installation Terms