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Core Functionality Terms

Action Customizer

Actions can be described as objects which trigger specific Workflows. While workflows perform the actual tasks, actions enable you to launch workflows from the GUI where actions are associated with buttons and other controls.

The Action Customizer makes it possible to specify which actions (or functions) are available in the various GUI elements of Valuemation - so called action mapping. It also enables editing and creation of new actions and removal of actions from the table of actions.

Action customization is an important part of Valuemation customization as it allows to incorporate specific customer-dependent functions and also to remove unnecessary actions to avoid GUI clutter and user confusion.

Action Scheduler

Valuemation Action Scheduler provides a simpler, more user-friendly alternative to the Escalation functionality. It enables scheduling of periodic actions and automating reactions to some simple events. The scheduler is built on Valuemation Business Process Manager but eschews its complexity.

Analysis InfoObjects

These are InfoObjects which contain the Analyzer tool. In this tool, you are able to create your own dynamic analysis. Being a dynamic analysis, it is not saved when you exit Valuemation (you can only save it directly on the SI server).


Although Valuemation is a complex environment for manipulating business information, it is often useful to interact with data and programs external to the Valuemation environment. For this case Valuemation provides an API (Application Program Interface) to support full scripting access from outside the application.

Application Monitoring

Valuemation's Application Monitoring enables to keep track of user sessions and running transient workflows. The Log-Viewer serves for viewing and filtering Valuemation log files.

Audit and History

Audit and History is a Valuemation feature that enables to record changes of objects, their attributes and relations done by Valuemation users over time.

Authorizations, Authorization Manager, Groups and Roles

Valuemation authorizations determine which objects and actions the particular user has access to. The Authorization Manager allows security, protection and business rules to be applied. It allows the administrator to set the default authorization, authorizations for business objects and authorizations for technical objects, and also to activate/deactivate the whole permission management.

Standard Valuemation comes equipped with many Authorization Groups corresponding to different roles performed by the users in individual areas of Valuemation business functionality.

Each Authorization Group is given a set of authorization permissions according to the expected tasks and expertise of group members. These permissions are grouped together to form so called Authorization Roles. Thus users belonging to Authorization Group 'A' receive permissions contained in all Authorization Roles assigned to Authorization Group 'A'.


BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) is an open source Eclipse-based reporting system formerly used as one of Valuemation's main reporting tools. In current Valuemation versions, BIRT has been replaced by Valuemation Analytics reporting. It is, though, still possible to print BIRT reports from Valuemation.

Business Process Manager

Valuemation Business Process Manager makes it possible to model and design Business Processes based on the BPMN standard. It can be used to perform tasks defined in the Process and is therefore fully integrated with Valuemation.

On the GUI, the Business Process Manager is presented in the same way as Valuemation business functionality managers. It has its own Valuemation business view, object types and catalogs. Despite this fact, the Business Process Manager is a core feature intended for use across the whole range of Valuemation business functionality.

Business Views Customization

Means the customization of Business Views which is done in a specific catalog which is available in the Sidebar InfoObject in the Valuemation Core Business View.

Calculation Customizer

The Calculation Customizer is used to specify arithmetic calculations and string operations. In many cases a Workflow could also be used, but oftentimes it would be to complex for simple arithmetic calculations. Using the Calculation Customizer, you can directly define certain arithmetic formulae without any other settings.

Catalog Customizer

Catalogs are custom-defined listings of objects belonging to one object type. Catalogs can be created and configured in the Catalog Customizer.

Creation of a catalog involves mainly definition of its layout and look, restricting the information content by creating a default query for the catalog and specifying the views used for performing operations on objects in the catalog.


The Console is a useful tool when developers and customizers need to track the program flow. The Console helps with SQLs, Rules etc. It can run with both the Rich Client and the Web Client and can be used at customer sites with builds without Eclipse.

Core Catalogs

Among all Valuemation Modules, Valuemation Core holds a special position. Unlike other modules, it does not provide any business functionality per se. Instead it offers tools to customize and administer various aspects of the application. The catalogs found in the Valuemation Core side bar represent access points to some frequently needed core functionality.

CSV Import and Export

CSV Import/Export can be used to share data with external applications (such as MS Excel) or between individual Valuemation installations. Typical use is importing generic objects (System, Person, Location...).


The CTI abbreviation stands for "Computer Telephony Integration". In general, CTI deals with integration of telecommunication services and devices with a software application (Valuemation).

Customization Logging

A process of logging of changes in technical business objects. By changes in technical business objects, edits made to objects such as workflows, editors, catalogs etc. during the process of Valuemation customization are meant. Also, when the Import action is used it can also be seen in the customization log.

The motivation to log changes in technical business objects is propelled mainly by the need to coordinate changes made by several people while working on a customization project and to eliminate the danger of edits done by one customizing person being overridden be subsequent edits by another person.

Additionally, the new way of logging changes in technical objects enables storing additional data about the changes, which is used for registering their purpose (e.g. the task under which the changes were made). Another side benefit is facilitation of faster xml import/export.


Valuemation Customizers are tools which can be used to modify various aspects of Valuemation core functionality. Customization is performed in Valuemation rich client. Most customizers are accessed from the Customization Browser, only the Action Customizer is accessed from the 'Customize' menu.

Customization Browser

The Customization Browser represents a unified customization interface and a single starting point for customizing object types, relations, value sets, views, catalogs, calculations and rules. It consists of interlinked customization browsers, quick search engine and the corresponding actions which contribute to the straightforward customization process.

Dashboard InfoObjects

InfoObjects which contain dashboards created in the Analyzer tool on the SI server.

Date and Time in Valuemation

Time-related data is a common requirement for most business applications. When working in an international context, the question of time zone differences comes into the play. This can further be complicated by the differences in daylight saving time implementation inherent to each particular country. Valuemation provides a selection of several date and time data types.

Email Templates

In Valuemation, it is possible to predefine email templates which can then be used to automatically generate emails (using Valuemation escalation for instance) or when the 'Send Email' action is called for an object (for instance, by using the right-click context menu in a catalog).

Embedded Jetty

Valuemation provides the possibility to test the Web client result of Rich client customization directly, i.e. without the need to restart the web server. This is achieved by embedded Jetty Web Services.


Valuemation Escalation is a mechanism for identification of problems (e.g. delays, non-fulfillment of business contracts or SLAs etc.) and drawing attention to it by setting escalation levels and carrying out actions (e.g. sending an email or creating a Ticket).

The following terms are used in connection with Valuemation Escalation:

  • Escalation Action is the task to be executed when an object is due for escalation.
  • Escalation Condition is a specified condition which must met for the corresponding Escalation Action to be carried out.
  • Escalation Record is created for a ticket, if it matches a specific condition detailed in the Escalation Type. The Escalation Record contains Escalation-relevant information about the ticket.
  • Escalation Type corresponds to the business rule or requirement. It refers to a specific business object type and specifies which attributes of the business object contain Escalation-relevant data.
  • Escalation parameter specifies the Escalation Type collection to be checked on a particular run. The Escalation must be called separately for each Escalation Parameter.
  • Escalation Levels are an expression of how the business object stands with relation to the deadline or event in question. Typically several Escalation Levels are defined which reflect a growing urgency or heightened level of alert.

Global Functions

Global functions are hard coded functions capable of retrieving special values for use in Valuemation conditions. Global functions are used in catalog complex search as well as in catalog and rule definitions.

Global Settings

A place where an administrator can make Valuemation settings common to all users. Global settings apply to all users unless specific settings for a particular user have been made under User Settings. Global Settings can be found under the 'Settings' menu of the main Valuemation menu bar.


The Valuemation Homepage is an opening page which appears in the Workspace InfoObject when the application starts. It acts as an umbrella introduction for Valuemation users, gives essential pieces of information and may prompt an action on the part of the user.

There can be various Homepages defined for various Business Views or there can be a global Homepage defined for all Business Views. The Homepage can also have several language variants to be in compliance with the selected Valuemation language environment. When applied, the Homepage becomes an inherent part of the Business View and it cannot be closed by a user.

Incremental Data Retrieval

Preferred way of limiting the maximum number of database objects being read to memory. This currently used method is based on sorting the objects (matching a search condition, if existent) directly in the database, then reading just a limited "reasonable" number of them, with more objects read dynamically on an on-demand basis.

Incremental Data Retrieval is used when reading the following selections of objects:

  • Selection resulting from a search condition

    E.g. opening a catalog from the sidebar and performing searches in the catalog

  • Selection resulting from a relationship between objects

    E.g. using a reference list or opening a sub-node in a tree view of a catalog

InfoObjects Customization

Means the customization of InfoObjects which is done in specific catalogs which are available in the Sidebar InfoObject in the Valuemation Core Business View.

Integration of Valuemation Analytics

The integration of Valuemation Analytics into Valuemation involves using the Valuemation Analytics User Console to retrieve the path to a particular Analysis or Dashboard and the creation of a Valuemation InfoObject using this path.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to interact with your computer by eliminating the need to switch from the keyboard to the mouse when executing simple, repetitive commands.

Language Support in Valuemation

As an internationally used application, Valuemation supports the use of multiple GUI languages. User-transparent, seamless switching between languages is internally a complex issue spanning diverse areas of Valuemation functionality. This results from the need to provide translations on several levels: Translations of Business Objects and Attributes, Translations of Application Text, Sidebar Translations and Translations of Business Data.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a client/server protocol used to access and manage directory information. It reads and edits directories over IP networks and runs directly over TCP/IP using simple string formats for data transfer.

Metamodel Check

The Metamodel Check tests and optionally repairs the differences between Valuemation and the Database Tables.

Model Inspector

The Model inspector provides catalogs and views which help you to browse through technical objects that build up Valuemation applications (modules). It also also provides a structured overview of customizing, revealing associations between different pieces of customization.


In Valuemation, the term Notifications is used for core functionality performing a selected action when the count of objects of a particular object type reaches a defined value. Currently only the 'Send Mail' action is offered.

Example use would be sending an email to specified recipients if e.g. the number of available licenses reaches a defined value.

Existing notifications are listed in the Notifications catalog. The catalog displays the status and attributes of individual defined notifications. New notifications can be created using a wizard started by calling the 'Define New Notification' action in the 'Notifications' catalog.

Object Attachments

Every generic business object stored in Valuemation can have files attached to it. Three types of attachments are provided: File Attachments, Link Attachments and Hyperlink Attachments.

Object Mapping

Object mapping makes it possible to take data stored in objects of one object type and use this data to create or update objects of another object type.

Object Type, Object Type Customizer

The data in Valuemation is based on Object Types. Object Types are definitions of objects mapped to the existing tables in the database. Valuemation contains a range of Object Types designed to meet the needs of standard business functionality.

Object Type customization enables creation and configuration of Valuemation object types so that they fit the needs a particular project. These changes apply to the object types only, they do not affect the mapped table fields in the database.

Password Complexity Check

The Password Complexity Check feature of Valuemation enables Valuemation administrators to strengthen the password policy.

Popup Window

In Valuemation Web, catalogs and editors can be opened as a popup window. Whether or not a catalog/editor opens as a popup window is determined by a combination of settings in Global Settings and by specific workflow node setting.

Process Engine (BPM)

Process Engine is the workhorse behind the BPM. The process engine consists of two types of engines - one process interpreter and one or more task executors.

Process Instance (BPM)

A Process itself is a kind of template that defines what will happen during the process flow. Starting a process actually means creating and running a process instance based on this process "template". Multiple Process Instances of one particular Process can run at the same time.

Process Interpreter (BPM)

The Process Interpreter starts new process instances and takes care of the progress in running process instances on the basis of fulfilled conditions in individual process steps.

Progress Bar

Valuemation Progress Bar enables you to display the progress of a complex task being performed in Valuemation in a chart-like manner. It can be used on a view or a catalog. Progress bar is a core functionality which can be customized via the rich client and can is displayed in the web client only.

Project-specific Documentation

In addition to standard help content, topics with content specific to a given implementation on customer site can be linked to the help system. This functionality is referred to as 'project-specific documentation'.

Relation, Relation Customizer

Relations represent connections and dependencies between business object types. We can distinguish between three basic types of relations:

  • n:1 relation - several objects linked to one object. For example, several persons can belong to one department.
  • 1:n relation - an object linked to several objects. For example, the same department can be referenced by multiple Person objects.
  • m:n relation - a complex relation where both sides of the relation are collections. For example, one system can be paid by several cost centers but also a given cost center will typically pay for several systems.

Relations are administered in the Relation Customizer.

Rule Customization

Rules are defined principles which affect how the application reacts to certain conditions.

A rule consists of a triggering condition and an action. The triggering condition is tested and if found to be true,then the specified action is activated. Rules can be created and configured in the Rule Customizer.


Valuemation Runlink allows the execution of a workflow on the Valuemation web server started by clicking a html link in a web browser or an email client. Valuemation web can be started and an editor or a catalog opened directly from a third-party application this way.

Script Editor

The Script Editor is a tool for Python script editing within Valuemation. Although it is still possible to use an external editor, the Valuemation Script Editor represents a hassle-free, totally integrated solution providing a wealth of features found in other industry-standard programming tools.

Valuemation Analytics (VMA)

USU Valuemation Analytics is a tool for consolidating, analyzing and presenting IT data. Valuemation Analytics data presentation is based on KPIs and customized dashboards facilitating easy analysis of data and detection of interrelationships, dependencies and weak points in the business operation.

Task (BPM)

A Task is a type of Activity/Flow Object within a Process flow. It represents the finest level of detail in the process execution. Either the end-user or the application itself can be used to perform the Task when it is executed

Task Executor (BPM)

The Task Executor program performs the script and service tasks contained in the running Process Instances, provided the Process Interpreter is running.

Translation Editor

The Translation Editor administers the translations of object type and attribute names and tooltips. The editor is called from the 'Customize' menu of Valuemation Rich Client.

User Manager, User Management

User Manager provides tools for administration of Valuemation users. It enables you to manage the users on a number of levels.

User Settings

Unlike Global Settings which apply to all users, User Settings influence application behavior for a specific Valuemation user. If the same settings are specified both in Global and User Settings, User Settings take precedence.

Value Sets

Value Sets are sets of values presented to the user as options to enter in an attribute. Having predefined values speeds up data entry and increases its consistency.

From the customization point of view, it is important to distinguish between three different types of Value Sets: Fixed Value Sets, Object Value Sets and Relation Object Value Sets.

Value Set Customization is the process of creating and editing such sets of values. This task is performed using the Value Set Customizer.

View, View Customizer

Views are custom-defined forms displaying data contained in one Valuemation object. Views are created and configured in the View Customizer.

Using the View Customizer it is possible to customize views by including or excluding object type attributes and their relations, ordering and rearranging them, and setting their display properties.

Unlike some other types of customization, view customization is likely to be used in most projects, even when little customizing is otherwise required.

Webservice for Starting a Workflow

Valuemation uses the “IWorkflowExecutionService” webservice to start a workflow. The webservice is implemented with cxf.

  • To call the webservice, it is necessary to create a client (the java client via cxf, for instance).
  • One of the possibilitie how to generate a java client via cxf is to use the SoapUI (3rd party) application.


A Valuemation Workflow is a sequence of activities which can be connected using Boolean logic and basic conditions.

Activities are simple specific tasks which can be carried out by the user or by Valuemation itself. Different mechanisms can be used to pass information between activities, between two workflows and also between the Valuemation GUI and a workflow. Examples of activities are 'Open a Catalog', 'Open the Business Object Editor', 'Save the Business Object', 'Send an E-mail' etc.

Workflows are administered from the 'Workflow Definitions' catalog in the 'Valuemation Core' sidebar.

XML Import and Export

In Valuemation, users can import/export business data from/into an external XML file and from there into other application (e.g. SAP, EXCEL) for further use or analysis / reporting.


Valuemation ticketing is capable of communication with ZIS System (Zentrales Informations-System), namely creation of new Incident tickets automatically out of ZIS events and sending information back to ZIS.

See Also

Glossary of Basic Terms

Valuemation GUI Terms

Business Functionality Object Types

Installation Terms