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JRE, Database Driver and Zip-File for Valuemation Jetty

Now you must choose the directory where the java runtime is installed and choose your database driver.

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  • For example, 'jre7' for the java field and the 'ojdbc6.jar' as the database driver.
  • You must fill in the desired data in order to proceed.
  • Please note that Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be working on your computer in order to run Valuemation. The setup provides you with the information about the minimum version of JRE required and already present on your system.

Note: You must have administrative permissions in order to install the Java Runtime Environment on Microsoft Windows.

Click 'Next' to proceed.

See Also

First Installation or Update: First Installation

First Installation

Create LoginConfiguration.xml

Further Components to Install

Server and DB Connection Parameters

Verifying Credentials

Process Engine and Console

Installation Directory


Installation and Configuration