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Followed Tickets

It is possible to make any ticket a 'followed ticket'. The followed tickets are registered in a special catalog, the content of the catalog is user-specific. The intended use of followed tickets is to provide the Valuemation user with a possibility to register important or otherwise relevant tickets regardless of their other attributes (such as 'Responsible Group', 'Requested by' or 'Requested for' which would normally be used to judge upon ticket relevance for a given user).

The 'Follow' action

The 'Follow' action initiates the ticket following and adds the selected ticket to the 'My followed tickets' catalog for the current user. Note that the current user must have a Valuemation person associated - this is also a prerequisite for all other Incident-Problem-Change actions.

To make a ticket a followed ticket, use the 'Follow' action available in the catalogs and editors of tickets of all ticket classes:

  • Incident
  • Problem
  • RFC/Change
  • Service Request
  • Call
  • Error
  • Workaround

In standard Valuemation the 'Follow' action is available as:

  • Right-click menu action in catalogs of all ticket classes. A single object must be selected, multi-selection is not supported.
  • Right-click menu action in the ticket editor displaying a ticket not registered as the followed ticket.

To follow a ticket:

  1. Open a catalog with the appropriate ticket type (Incidents, Problems...).
  2. Select the ticket which you wish to follow.
  3. Right-click and select 'Follow' from the menu.

    The 'Following options' dialog box opens.

    Note: If the 'Follow' action was selected from the right-click menu on the ticket editor, the 'Following options' dialog box opens and the rest of the process is the same.

  4. Set the time span of the follow using the 'Follow from' and Follow until' date fields. The 'Active' check box allows you to decide if the following process will be enabled immediately.

    Below on the 'Notify on Statuses' tab, you can select which statuses you want to follow. All followers will get notifications when the ticket gets one of the selected statuses.

  5. Click 'OK' to complete.

Now if you open the followed ticket in the edit view and go to the 'Followers' tab, you can see a list of all persons who are following this ticket. You can also take advantage of the 'Following options' dialog box again and adjust the following parameters if necessary.

Note: The possibility of adjusting the parameters applies only to the logged-on user (you cannot do it for the other persons).

The 'My followed tickets' catalog

In standard Valuemation, the 'My followed tickets' catalog can be found in the 'Ticket' sidebar folder of the work perspective of business views dealing with the Ticket object type.

The content of the catalog is user-dependent, the catalog registers tickets followed by the currently logged-on user. For example: User A follows tickets 1, 2 and 3, user B follows tickets 3 and 4. Then whenever user A logs in, the 'My followed tickets' catalog contains tickets 1,2,3. When user B is logged in, the catalog contains tickets 3 and 4.

Important actions in the 'My followed tickets' catalog:

  • Deactivate/Reactivate following

    Enables you to deactivate the following. Once inactive, the button label changes to 'Reactivate following' and you can reactivate the following anytime necessary.

  • Following options

    Calls the 'Following options' dialog box. Here you can again reevaluate and adjust the following parameters if necessary.

  • Stop following

    The action stops the following and removes the selected ticket from the 'My followed tickets' catalog. No ticket attributes are changed and the ticket is still available in other catalogs.

    In standard Valuemation the action is available as:

    • The right-click menu action in the 'My followed tickets' catalog
    • The action button at the bottom of the 'My followed tickets' catalog
    • The right-click menu action in the ticket editor displaying a ticket registered as the followed ticket.
  • Open versus Edit

    Right-click menu of the 'My followed tickets' catalog contains actions 'Open' and 'Edit'.

    • 'Open' - opens the ticket in an editor in the read-only mode.
    • 'Edit' - opens the ticket in an editor enabled for editing (the current user must have necessary permissions).

See Also


Structure of a Ticket (Example: Incident)

Validation for User/Person and Person/Support Group Assignment

Calculating Ticket Costs