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Databases Without Database Level Support

MS SQL Server does not support Unicode on the database level. If Unicode support is required, it must be introduced on the column level by using Unicode data types.

Valuemation installation scripts use non-Unicode data types, these must be converted where appropriate.

To introduce Unicode support to a MS SQL database, you need to change all tables except:

  • AMT tables (technical tables)
  • Tables populated by/from external non-Unicode systems

In the tables which need to be changed, convert all char/varchar columns except:

  • Protocol columns (USERCRE and USERCHG)
  • Columns marked as ‘Unicode-disabled’

The conversion consists in the following change of data types:

  • fixed length strings: CHAR ? NCHAR
  • variable length strings: VARCHAR ? NVARCHAR

In This Chapter

MS SQL - Index Length Limitations

MS SQL - Unicode Implementation Scenarios

See Also

Business Data

Databases With Database Level Support