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Databases With Database Level Support

Oracle and DB2 support Unicode on the database level. This provides the following options for Unicode support:

  • If it is possible to start with a new Valuemation database, create a new database directly set up for Unicode support. When creating the new database, select Unicode (AL32UTF8) as the database character set.
  • If it is necessary to introduce Unicode to an existing Valuemation database that does not support the AL32UTF8 code page, then do the following:
    1. Create a dump of the Valuemation database
    2. Create a new empty database with the AL32UTF8 code page
    3. Import the dump into the new empty database
    4. Select the UTF-8 code page in Valuemation (Global Settings / Customizer Settings / Database character encoding for string length check)
  • If the need is only to store Unicode characters in some new columns or tables (e.g. those added by the customer), it is also possible to set up Unicode support on the database column level by selecting data types (NVARCHAR2, NCHAR, NCLOB) for them.

See document 'Unicode Support & Migration Procedure' for more information.

In This Chapter

New Database - Options

Migration - Number of Characters

See Also

Business Data

Databases Without Database Level Support