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System - Person Rationships

Two types of system-person relationships exist:

  • System Coordinator

    A system can have one person assigned as 'System Coordinator'. This relation is intended for a single person responsible for the system within the organization. 'System Coordinator' is registered in a reference view on the 'Master' tab of the system editor.

  • Persons

    A system can also have multiple persons assigned in various roles. The predefined roles are:

    • User (default)
    • System Owner
    • Maintenance Administrator
    • System Manager
    • System Supporter

    Persons related to a system are registered in the 'Persons' reference catalog where new related persons can also be added or removed. Individual person roles can be specified using the drop-down box in the 'Role' column of the reference catalog.

    Help Image
    Relations to persons in the system editor

See Also


System Status Diagram

Hierarchy of Systems

System Measures

Barcode Scan