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Multilingual Support in BPM

Valuemation business process manager supports multilingual translations for the following Task attributes:

  • Task Name
  • Task Description
  • Validation Message

To specify the translations for a task:

  1. Open the parent process for editing (e.g. from the 'Processes for Engineer' catalog in the 'Business Process Manager' sidebar).
  2. Select the task to display its properties in the bottom part of the editor. Attributes with multilingual support can be distinguished by a "flag" dropdown box to their right.
  3. To specify a translation, select its language in the dropdown box and type the translation in the corresponding attribute field. If no translation has been specified yet for an attribute, the attribute field displays data in the main language. This is for reference only, feel free to replace the data with the new translation.
  4. To specify a translation in another language, switch the dropdown box to that language and specify the new translation.
  5. Confirm the changes by clicking the 'Ok' button in the top left-hand corner of the process editor.

    Help Image
    Translating task attributes in the process editor

As a result, the translated attributes of the task will be displayed in the currently selected GUI language:

Help Image
'Task Name' and 'Task Description' translations in the current GUI language

The variable part of the information message uses the 'Validation Message' multilingual translation. (The fixed part comes from translations of application text.)

Help Image
'Validation Message' in the current GUI language.

See Also

Multilingual Translations

Setting Up Multilingual Translation

Multilingual Translations In Use

Customization Considerations

Technical Considerations