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Example: Compare Logged Objects

This function calls a special mode of Valuemation exporter which compares the selected objects before and after the logged changes and provides detailed information on what has been changed.

Example: While attempting to edit the 'Person' catalog you get a warning message informing you that this catalog has already been changed since it was last committed. By using the compare function you can find out more about the changes (thus preventing possible conflicts etc.)

  • In the Customization Log catalog, look up the relevant log entry / entries, select them and call the 'Compare logged object' action.

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  • The 'Exporter of Metamodel Changes' window opens and the compare process starts automatically. The compare result is then displayed in the form of a treeview. Expand the tree as needed. Changed elements are marked by red dots.

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    Note that the exporter windows which opens here is a special, temporary mode of the exporter. Options used here do not influence options used for the exporter called from the main menu.

See Also

Working with the Customization Log Catalog

Example: Mass Edit Comment

Example: Mass Edit

Example: Select Comment