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Action GUI Rule Example

Let's demonstrate the concepts on Action GUI rule 'GroupViewSwitchEnabledTMV' used in standard Valuemation. This rule decides whether the 'switch to group view' button is available in a reference catalog (reference catalogs are often referred to as 'too-many-view' by Valuemation veterans, hence the rule name).

  • The rule can be easily found in the rule browser sorted according to 'Type of the rule':

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  • Step 1 of the rule configuration wizard. 'Object Type' field specifies that the rule will be used for relations.

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  • Step 2 specifies the triggering condition.

    The Action GUI rule will be triggered when:

    • The reference catalog is already in the group view (and the button is necessary to switch back to normal view)


    • Grouping is used on at least one catalog column.

    At the same time the following must be true:

    • The collection of objects in the reference catalog is complete (i.e. all objects are read from the memory)


    • The reference catalog currently doesn't hold any object additions or deletions not yet saved to memory.

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Step 2 is the final rule configuration step for Action GUI rules. Actual use of the rule is defined in the Action Customizer, 'Assign Actions to GUI' tab for place 'Relation'. Rule 'GroupViewSwitchEnabledTMV' is assigned as GUI Rule to the 'CatalogView_switch_group_view' workflow definition. On the GUI this means that the 'switch to group view' button will be influenced by the rule.

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See Also

Rule Type: Action GUI