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Metamodel Check Parameters

Metamodel Check can be started with various parameters. These are described in the modelcheck.bat file itself.

These parameters set the login to the database. (Connection settings are taken from





-usr <username>

Valuemation user login

-pwd <username>

Valuemation user password




Perform standard selection of checks (all except -checkmodules, -checkgenericdata, -makestddb, -checkstddb)


Perform checks of processes


Perform checks for views


Perform checks for catalogs


Perform checks for translations of business objects


Perform checks for translations of application text


Perform checks for free storage items


Perform checks for workflow definitions


Perform checks for action definitions


Perform the check of the default order of actions


Perform checks for object type definitions


Perform checks for relation definitions


Perform checks for report definitions


Perform checks for modules assignment


Perform checks for calculations


Perform checks for rules


Perform checks for value sets


Perform checks for crystal reports


Perform checks for authorizations


Perform checks of the generated keys


Perform checks for bo attachments


Perform checks for export filters


Perform checks for generic data


Perform checks for DB constraints


Extracts standard database structure description


Compare current database structure with a standard one


Perform checks for icons


Perform checks for assignment of modules to translations


Check usage of image files in valuemation


Perform checks for Core module assignment


Perform check for rule conditions


Perform check of all getters


Perform checks for catalog properties


Perform check for extended properties (node style assignment to botype and rendering conditions)


Insert specified character(s) between individual message items in the log. For instance, specifying parameter -DmetamodelCheck.messageSeparator=<A>

results in string <A> being inserted between log items. This can be used e.g. for automated processing of the log output.


Can be used to filter the log output. Specify -DmetamodelCheck.writeSQL=false

to prevent the log output from displaying SQL messages


Can be used to filter the log output. Specify -DmetamodelCheck.writeVM=false

to prevent the log output from displaying Valuemation messages




Automatically indicates start of metamodel, no need to specify this key explicitly


Automatically indicates end of metamodel, no need to specify this key explicitly


Try to repair errors; some checks implement automatic repair, but some not


No gui for interactive work (input/output) with metamodelcheck


Changes are not committed automatically


Change the wrap option for the resulting text from wrapped (by default) to unwrapped, in the GUI, no effect if -nogui is used


Changes time information appearance in the resulting text for GUI and log file


The report messages will be written to a log file in the VM root directory according to the specified file name and log levels, expected format is a filename followed by ":" and names of log levels (EXCEPTION, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, REPAIRED)connected by "+"File name and ":" can be omitted. Then the default file name "MetamodelCheck.log" is used.

See Also

Metamodel Check

Using the Check Options Pane

Actions Check

Metamodel Check of Translations