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Rule Trigger C

C: The rule will be fired if a user changes the value of one of the selected attributes and leaves the focus in the selected group on the editor.

The behaviour is similar to trigger A with two important differences:

  • The rule is triggered only when the user changes the value, value change made by the system has no effect.
  • The rule is triggered after the user leaves the selected focus group. Focus group is a group of attributes selected in the rule as 'trigger' attributes. For instance, attributes 'valid from' and 'valid to' have been selected in the 'Please define the attributes that belong to the focus group' field of the rule customizer. (This field is displayed in the second step of the Rule Configuration Wizard if trigger type C is selected.) Then these two attributes belong to the same focus group and the rule is not triggered when the user changes focus between the two fields. The triggering occurs only when the user changes focus to another attribute which is not part of the focus group.

    Note that only change of focus within the same editor is considered as a trigger event. When focus changes to another window (e.g. from an editor to a catalog), the rule is not triggered.

See Also

Step 2 - Triggering Condition for the Rule

Rule Trigger A

Rule Trigger B

Rule Trigger D