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Rule Trigger A

A: The rule will be fired if a user or the system changes the value of one of the selected attributes in the editor.

Behaviour: When value of the selected 'trigger' attribute is changed (by the user or the system) while an editor of the object type is opened, then the rule is triggered (and , for example, a workflow is run). If more than one attribute for triggering the rule is selected, a change in any of the selected attributes triggers the rule.

It should be noted that the behaviour differs between Valuemation rich and web client:

  • On the rich client, typing a single letter (i.e. each letter of a word) triggers the rule.
  • On the web client
    • for 'type-in' input fields the rule is triggered by focus out, not by typing of individual letters.
    • 'selection' input fields (such as combo box or calendar control) react to the selection being made, i.e. they do not wait for focus out.

When a rule of the 'Calculation' type with trigger type A is edited, the window contains an additional check box 'Force Backward Compatibility of Type A (wrong behavior)'. This check box turns on backward compatibility with earlier application versions where rules of trigger type A were triggered also with the editor closed. This backward compatibility should be used only when the current trigger A behaviour (i.e. triggering only with the editor opened) causes problems to an old customization.

In addition to the 'trigger' attribute, it is also possible to specify a condition for another attribute (of the rule's business object type) which must be met for the triggering based on the 'trigger' attribute change to happen.

This type of triggering is typically used for calculation and action rules.

See Also

Step 2 - Triggering Condition for the Rule

Rule Trigger B

Rule Trigger C

Rule Trigger D