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Context Sensitive Custom Content

This section (html version only) contains 12 dummy topics which can be used for context sensitive linking of project-specific help content.

The topics can be used in several ways:

  • Quick and dirty

    Create your own independent html files with custom content, name the files to match the file names of topics 'Context Sensitive Custom 01 - 12' (e.g. 'Context Sensitive Custom 01' is '21036.htm'), replace the original html files and edit the standard toc.htm file to reflect the headings of your custom topics. Then use standard Valuemation help assignment process to make the topics context sensitive.

    Result: When F1 is pressed, the context sensitive topic is displayed as a separate html page, i.e. outside the context of standard Valuemation help. This separate topic can also be called from the Valuemation help TOC.

  • More involved

    Create your own html content and merge it with the original Author-it created dummy files. Then edit the standard toc.htm file to reflect the new headings and use standard Valuemation help assignment process to make the topics context sensitive.

    Result: When F1 is pressed, the context sensitive topic is displayed within standard Valuemation help.

Please see the 'Project-specific Help Assignment' topics for more information.

See Also

How to Link Project-specific Documentation

Quick and Easy Linking

Linking With Additional Customization

In This Chapter

Context Sensitive Custom 01

Context Sensitive Custom 02

Context Sensitive Custom 03

Context Sensitive Custom 04

Context Sensitive Custom 05

Context Sensitive Custom 06

Context Sensitive Custom 07

Context Sensitive Custom 08

Context Sensitive Custom 09

Context Sensitive Custom 10

Context Sensitive Custom 11

Context Sensitive Custom 12