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Configuration Manager

Valuemation Configuration Manager facilitates comparison between internal Valuemation inventory data and reality based on scanned results of external systems.

CMP Systems

CMP System represents a scanned object (a system) in Valuemation. It parallels a System object. During the compare process, components of the CMP System are compared to components of the System, resulting in Compare Results. CMP Systems have relations to many other object types such as Bios, CD ROM, HDD, Processor etc.

Compare History

History provides information about all changes in the inventory database: adding, modifying and deleting of systems or their components.

Compare History Catalog

Compare History catalog depicts historical changes of all objects defined in the CIC interface (e.g. CMP System, BIOS, Memory, Software ...). Possible changes are adding, changing or deleting of objects.

Compare History Status

A catalog collecting information about changes in the external database (similar to Compare History catalog) with additional 'Status' field added to every change of a record.

Since all data for Compare History are recorded from an external database, it requires launching the 'Synchronize History Status' action from the Sidebar. This action establishes "new" status for all new historical changes.

Compare Processing

Compare Processing is a general functionality which can be used to start a workflow after the Compare Process is finished. Compare Results are passed to the workflow as an input parameter.

Compare Results

Compare Results is the outcome of the Compare Process. Compare Results display differences between components in Valuemation and real (scanned) data. After the Compare process is finished, its results can be viewed in a number of different ways. Usually the System edit view is used, where Compare Results can bee found in one of the reference catalogs.

Compare Rule

Using Master Rule, logical connection between core entities in the two applications has been established. As a next step, it is necessary to perform comparison in more detail. Compare rule defines attributes of these objects and the comparison logic which is used to compare the values (an exact comparison or a variety). If the objects meet the Compare rule, relevant information is generated to the Compare results Catalog; otherwise an error or mismatch is reported.


Components represent IT infrastructure/configuration items from a detailed technical point of view. Objects of the Component object type may be used to represent, for example, physical components (units, unit parts), physical component groups (assemblies made from components) or software.

Each component must always be assigned to a system. If a component is in storage, then it is assigned to a storage system.

The terms Component and Product are also closely related: components represent the technical view of infrastructure, products represent the sales representation assigned to one or more components in the role of a purchase item or a unit of maintenance/service.

Data Transfer Definition

Compare Data Transfer is a concrete implementation of the general Compare Processing functionality. It accepts a collection of Compare Results which inform about the missing corresponding Valuemation object (Component, System…) for any SM Object. Compare Data Transfer creates a new Valuemation object based on information coming from Compare Result and the corresponding Compare Rule.

Mapping (Map Operator)

While Compare Rule specify how to recognize similar pieces of equipment, the attributes and the logic are defined in the Mapping part of Compare rule. Here it is possible to define how to recognize that two entries (one in each application) actually represent the same piece of equipment (e.g. the same monitor).

Master Rule

Master rule defines the central logical link between the core logical structures in Valuemation (System) and core logical structures in the Systems Management application (in case of CIC CMP System). Master Rule defines how these two structures correspond with each other and which attribute in each structure is regarded the key and the criteria for the match.


System is a collection of components (and their sub-components) that is used at a particular location to fulfill a certain task. System represents IT infrastructure/configuration items from the organizational point of view.

System can be assigned to users, organization units, cost centers and locations. System can have several usage types.

See Also

Business Functionality Object Types

Asset Manager

Change Manager

Contract Manager

Customization Transfer Manager

Incident Manager

Knowledge Management

Planning & Calculation Manager

Problem Manager

Release Manager

Resource Manager

Service Portfolio / Service Level Management

SRM & Procurement Manager

Supplier Manager