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Asset Manager

Valuemation Asset Manager is a tool for IT infrastructure administration. It manages the configuration management database (CMDB) with current and historical information about configuration items. It also covers so called IMAC processes: Install, Move, Add and Change.


Components represent IT infrastructure/configuration items from a detailed technical point of view. Objects of the Component object type may be used to represent, for example, physical components (units, unit parts), physical component groups (assemblies made from components) or software.

Each component must always be assigned to a system. If a component is in storage, then it is assigned to a storage system.

The terms Component and Product are also closely related: components represent the technical view of infrastructure, products represent the sales representation assigned to one or more components in the role of a purchase item or a unit of maintenance/service.

Component Class

Component Class is a high level group for several Component Types with similar characteristics such as monitors, keyboards etc.

From the end user point of view, component classes represent high level categorization of components (i.e. categorization of component types). From the technical point of view, component classes may be used, for example, to control the availability of dynamic fields - different sets of fields can thus be displayed on editors of different component types.

Component Type

Component Type represents a type of component. It specifies technical categorization of components with the same technical characteristics.

Components which can only be differentiated from one another (physically) by the serial number are units of the same component type. The common characteristics of such components are described by their reference to a component type. Only those characteristics that are individual for each component despite belonging to the same component type are described for the component itself, e.g. inventory number, reference to a system, serial number, color. Each component must have a component type assigned.

Component Type Performance Group

Component Type Performance Groups enable grouping of components offering the same level of performance to the user. This grouping of components can be used, for instance, to enable determining a unitary accounting price for components offering the same level of performance.

Cost Center

Cost Centers are used to describe the structure of the organization from the budgetary point of view. An object of the Cost Center object type represents a department that incurs expenses or generates revenue.

Location - Address

Location - Address (sometimes referred to as 'Facility') object type represents an organization's premises, such as a factory or office building. It holds descriptive attributes such as attributes for storing geographical and mailing information (place/city, district/country, address lines etc.).

Location - Room

An object of the Location - Room (sometimes referred to as 'Location') object type represents a specific place within the organization's facility, such as a building, a room, a desk etc. Systems are linked to this object type. This means that the real location of a system is given by its Location - Room and the Location - Address which the Location - Room is assigned to.

Organization Unit

The Organization Unit object type is a building block for modeling organizational structures of companies. An organization unit can have its superior and subordinated units, can be linked to specific cost centers, persons, systems and business partners. The organization unit object can also register contact information, information about the unit leader, current status etc.


Objects of the Person object type represent actual individuals in the real world. The object holds identification information such as last name, person number and contact information, e.g. email or phone number. Person can belong to Business Partner, Cost Center or Organization Unit.


Network segment is used to identify how a component is connected to the network. When specifying the component network information, the user can define a specific segment involved.

Segment Protocol

Segment Protocol saves all possible protocol types of network segments. Network segments are then used within the component network information.


System is a collection of components (and their sub-components) that is used at a particular location to fulfill a certain task. System represents IT infrastructure/configuration items from the organizational point of view.

System can be assigned to users, organization units, cost centers and locations. System can have several usage types. On the other hand components represents the technical point of view of the IT infrastructure/configuration items.

System Performance Group

System Performance Groups enable grouping of systems offering the same level of performance to the user.

System Type

System Type represents technical categorization of systems. Examples of system types are 'Workstation Desktop', 'Workstation Notebook', 'Network Device', 'Stock' etc. Each system must have a system type assigned.

See Also

Business Functionality Object Types

Change Manager

Configuration Manager

Contract Manager

Customization Transfer Manager

Incident Manager

Knowledge Management

Planning & Calculation Manager

Problem Manager

Release Manager

Resource Manager

Service Portfolio / Service Level Management

SRM & Procurement Manager

Supplier Manager