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Tasks on the Business View Mapping tab

To assign users or user groups to a Valuemation Business View:

  1. Select the Business View view sub-tab of the Business View Mapping tab.
  2. In the Business View drop down box, select a Valuemation Business View.
  3. Select a user or user group (multi-selection is possible) in the respective tab on the left side of the window.
  4. Use the Add button to assign the selected item(s) to the Business View chosen in step 2.


To assign Valuemation Business Views to a user:

  1. Select the User view sub-tab of the Business View Mapping tab.
  2. In the User drop down box, select a Valuemation user.
  3. Select one or more Business Views in the available Business Views list on the left side of the window.
  4. Use the Add button to assign the selected Business View(s) to the user chosen in step 2.


See Also

Business View Mapping

User View