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Start the Escalation Client (with Parameter)

EscAgent.bat starts the Escalation Agent. The Escalation Parameter ESCPARAMETER is not defined in this case. The value passed here must correspond to an existing Escalation Parameter object in Valuemation.

Start it with a parameter from the command prompt "EscAgent.bat PARAMNAME" or edit EscAgent.bat and set the parameter here.

call set_env.bat
rem Escalate all escalation types by default
if "%1"=="" goto start
START javaw -Xmx32m -classpath %TCP% %SECURITY% de.usu.s3.integration.escalation.EscalationAgentStarter %ESCPARAMETER%

NOTE: Use a scheduler to start the escalation for a particular Escalation Parameter at regular, specified intervals. Create copies of EscAgent.bat, and schedule these *.bat files to run at particular times.

See Also


Escalation Agent Properties

Escalation Run Once Properties

Start Valuemation Escalation Server