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Escalation Agent Properties

The Escalation Agent Properties file contains general information required to call and run the Escalation.

Firstly the User and Password are entered in the file. The User must be an existing Valuemation user. Also enter the IP Address of the computer where Valuemation is active in server mode.

### set IP address where Valuemation is running
port = xxxx

To run the Escalation on the same machine (e.g. for test or demonstration purposes), enter “localhost” as the ServerIPAddress.

The following is mail configuration in case the escalation server is not running or it has lost connection with the DB server. If it's properly filled, an email will be sent to the specified recepients.

The email addresses of the recepients (seperated by ,). If this property is not filled, no email will be sent:


The email subject when an error occurs (optional):

mail.subject.error=Escalation Agent Encountered Error

The email subject when an error doesn't occur any longer (optional):

mail.subject.recovered=Escalation Agent Recovered from Error

The following are properties for the Java Mail API - you may need to add other properties like password (see


Preventing the problem of 'hanging escalation agents'

If the 'waitForServerEnd'parameter (in is set to true, then the escalation agent triggers processing of an escalation parameter and waits for the process to finish. This may cause problems when multiple time-consuming workflows are run or when the escalation server crashes, resulting in so called 'hanging escalation agents'.

Setting waitForServerEnd=false prevents this problem. With this setting the escalation agent finishes as soon as it connects to the escalation server and issues a request for processing an escalation parameter. It doesn't wait any longer for the escaltion server to finish processing the escalation parameter.

waitForServerEnd=false is currently the default setting. If, for any reason, waiting for the escalation server process to finish is the desired behaviour, it is necessary to set waitForServerEnd=true while keeping in mind possible consequences.

See Also


Escalation Run Once Properties

Start Valuemation Escalation Server

Start the Escalation Client (with Parameter)