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Escalation for rework of zis2vm records

For the rework of incoming records, the Escalation mechanism will be used.

The base table/object for Escalation is EpiAttrVal object. The records has to be reworked in the order given by datum (datcre).

1. Creation of Ticket

Filter on “attribute == ‘status’ && value == ‘created’ && epitransfer.status == ‘created’”

The Escalation Action will be run with Workflow “IPC.Epi.CreateIncident”, which reworks all records in the defined order and create new Incidents.

2. Update of Ticket

Filter on “attribute == ‘status’ && value == ‘updated’ && epitransfer.status == ‘created’”

The Escalation Action will be run with Workflow “IPC.Epi.UpdateIncident”, which reworks all records in the defined order, sets new Status and create new Ticket Description in existing Incident.

3. Solve of Ticket

Filter on “attribute == ‘status’ && value == ‘solved’ && epitransfer.status == ‘created’”

The Escalation Action will be run with Workflow “IPC.Epi.SolveIncident”, which reworks all records in the defined order, sets new Status and create new Ticket Description in existing Incident.

See Also

Communication EPI – Valuemation (ZIS2VM)

Transfer Tables

Data transfer Zis-VM Specification

How to fill up transfer tables for ZIS2VM

Configuration in Valuemation - Mainparameters

Configuration in Valuemation – Configurable Parameters

Basic Valuemation Customization