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Configuration in Valuemation - Mainparameters


StatementType for new Ticket Description

Path: ZIS
Param: ZIS_StatementType
Value: “code” attribute from existing Statement Type.

Status “updated”
Path: ZIS
Param: ZIS_updated
Value: “XE_IN_PGR”

Status “solved”
Path: ZIS
Param: ZIS_solved
Value: “XE_IN_SLV”


ZIS mainparameters can be found in the Mainparameters catalog (in Valuemation Core sidebar). Depending on your customization, a special catalog Mainparameters-ZIS may exist. If not, go to the mainparameters catalog and filter its content using Path="ZIS":

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The following ZIS-related settings are used:

ZIS_Statement Type

When a ZIS object corresponding to Valuemation ticket is created, then also a ticket is created in Valuemation IPC module. The 'ZIS_Statement Type' parameter specifies the default statement type of the main description of such newly created ticket.

Path="ZIS" / Parameter = "ZIS_StatementType"

Value: Set to value = xxx (Where xxx = CODE of statement type assigned to main description of a newly created Valuemation ticket corresponding to a ZIS event)

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When the ZIS object corresponding to a Valuemation ticket is updated, this is reflected in Valuemation by setting the Valuemation ticket to a status specified by the 'ZIS_Updated' parameter.

Path="ZIS" / Parameter = "ZIS_updated"

Value: Set to value = xxx (Where xxx = CODE of status set to the Valuemation ticket when the corresponding ZIS event is updated)

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When the ZIS object corresponding to a Valuemation ticket is solved, this is reflected in Valuemation by setting the Valuemation ticket to a status specified by the 'ZIS_Solved' parameter.

Path="ZIS" / Parameter = "ZIS_solved"

Value: Set to value = xxx (Where xxx = CODE of status set to the Valuemation ticket when the corresponding ZIS event is solved)

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See Also

Communication EPI – Valuemation (ZIS2VM)

Transfer Tables

Data transfer Zis-VM Specification

How to fill up transfer tables for ZIS2VM

Configuration in Valuemation – Configurable Parameters

Escalation for rework of zis2vm records

Basic Valuemation Customization