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Avaya Aura

Create testAvayaPluginInValuemation.bat as:

# Batch starts monitoring of given extension on Avaya server and generates log file with JTAPI events

# How to setup

# ------------

# apply 3.6.1.HOTFIX06

# copy this batch into Valuemation rich client installation root

# copy "ecsjtapia.jar" and "log4j-1.2.12.ja"r into "<Valuemation_Root>\lib\cti\avaya" directory

# modify "set_env.bat" as described on chapter 4.1

# How to perform a test

# ---------------------

# define below:

# set CALLING_PHONE, i.e. a phone from which a test call will be made

# set MONITORING_PHONE, i.e. an extension which is allowed on CTI server to be monitored e.g. 1527

# run this batch

# make a test call from CALLING_PHONE to MONITORING_PHONE

# archive test log named "Avaya_%CALLING_PHONE%_%MONITORED_PHONE%.log"

# perform test for:

# a local call (phones connected to CTI Avaya Aura server)

# a call from the same city, i.e. having the same Area Code

# a call from the other city, i.e. having different Area Code

# an international call, i.e. having different International Code

# a call from mobile phone

set CALLING_PHONE=00420737745698


call set_env.bat

set PLUGIN_CLASS=de.usu.s3.cti.yaplugin.avaya.AvayaPlugin

set CONNECT_INFO="AVAYA#A50AES#CSTA#A50AES01;login=usuag;passwd=usuag;servers=A50AES01:450"

java -classpath %TCP% -Denable_cti=true de.usu.s3.cti.YaCtiTest %PLUGIN_CLASS% %CONNECT_INFO% %MONITORED_PHONE% Avaya_%CALLING_PHONE%_%MONITORED_PHONE%.log


Run the batch:

1. Log file “Avaya_00420737745698_1527.log” with the similar content should be created:

07/08 10:27:03.380 1 addPlugin(., AVAYA#A50AES#CSTA#A50AES01;login=usuag;passwd=usuag;servers=A50AES01:450, de.usu.s3.cti.yaplugin.avaya.AvayaPlugin, 1527)

07/08 10:27:03.388 2 . setMonitoredAddresses(1527)

07/08 10:27:03.389 3 . Decoder: de.usu.s3.cti.yaplugin.JTapiDecoder

07/08 10:27:03.506 4 . Version:

07/08 10:27:03.526 5 . Peer: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.TsapiPeer
06/09 17:33:10.709 6 . Opening: AVAYA#A50AES#CSTA#A50AES01;login=usuag;passwd=usuag;servers=A50AES01:450

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.core.TSProviderImpl).

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

06/09 17:33:11.272 7 . Provider: AVAYA#A50AES#CSTA#A50AES01;login=usuag;passwd=usuag;servers=A50AES01:450

06/09 17:33:11.272 8 . Wait for Provider to be in service

06/09 17:33:11.303 9 . Provider is in service

06/09 17:33:11.303 10 . InitMonitoredAddresses

06/09 17:33:11.303 11 . Get Address for 1527

06/09 17:33:11.350 12 . Address: 1527

06/09 17:33:11.756 13 . Observer added to the address 1527

06/09 17:33:11.756 14 . Trace terminals

06/09 17:33:11.756 15 . Terminal[0] 1527 is assigned to addresses 1527

06/09 17:33:11.756 16 Plugin . was created and connected.

06/09 17:33:11.756 17 OK

If there is NO CTI server, the log will contain:

07/08 10:27:03.526 6 . Opening: AVAYA#A50AES#CSTA#A50AES01;login=usuag;passwd=usuag;servers=A50AES01:450

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.core.TSProviderImpl).

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.TsapiPlatformException: server [A50AES01:450] with tlink 'AVAYA#A50AES#CSTA#A50AES01' not found

at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSessionFactory.findTlink(

at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.Tsapi.init(

at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiFactory.getTsapi(

at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.core.TSProviderImpl.<init>(

at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiProvider.<init>(

at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiPeerImpl.getProvider(

at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.TsapiPeer.getProvider(

at de.usu.s3.cti.yaplugin.avaya.AvayaPlugin.doConnect(

at de.usu.s3.cti.yaplugin.CtiJTapiPlugin.connect(

at de.usu.s3.cti.YaCtiProvider.addPlugin(

at de.usu.s3.cti.YaCtiTest.main(

07/08 10:27:06.296 7 Monitoring of phone "1527" on telephony server "." was not initialized. Cause: Unable to connect to telephony server.

2. Make a call to 1527. Console should show recognized CONNECTED event as


connected from: 00420737745698 to monitored 1527


See Also

Connection to CTI server

Cisco JTrace



Test of Calls to ACD

Stress Test