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Create testSiemens.bat as copy of admin.bat in the installation root directory.

Add lines:

set PLUGIN_CLASS= de.usu.s3.cti.yaplugin.siemens.SiemensPlugin

set CONNECT_INFO="26535@;applicationID=CAP-S;login=+49876543210;passwd=123456"


set LOG_FILE=C:\Test\Siemens_365.log

set ENABLE_CONSOLE=-Dde.usu.s3.gui.console.enabled=true

Modify the command line. Replace S3Application with de.usu.s3.cti.YaCtiTest and pass PLUGIN_CLASS, CONNECT_INFO, and MONITORED_PHONE as input parameters to the program.

START javaw -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:NewSize=20m -XX:MaxNewSize=20m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=40 -classpath %TCP% %SECURITY% %EXITMANAGER% %ENABLE_CTI% %ENABLE_CONSOLE% de.usu.s3.cti.YaCtiTest %PLUGIN_CLASS% %CONNECT_INFO% %MONITORED_PHONE% %LOG_FILE%

Run the testSiemens.bat.

1. Log file with the similar content should be created:

09/17 08:05:55.182 1 addPlugin(., 26535@;applicationID=CAP-S;login=+49876543210;passwd=123456, de.usu.s3.cti.yaplugin.siemens.SiemensPlugin, 365)

09/17 08:06:02.073 2 . setConnectionParams(26535@;applicationID=CAP-S;login=+49876543210;passwd=123456)

09/17 08:06:02.073 3 . setMonitoredAddresses(365)

09/17 08:06:02.073 4 . Decoder: de.usu.s3.cti.yaplugin.JTapiDecoder

09/17 08:06:51.213 5 . Peer: com.siemens.cti.cstajtapi.JtapiPeerImpl

09/17 08:06:51.213 6 . Opening: 26535@;applicationID=CAP-S;login=+49876543210;passwd=123456

09/17 08:06:54.494 7 . Provider: 26535@

09/17 08:06:54.494 8 . InitMonitoredAddresses

09/17 08:06:54.510 9 . Get Address for 365

09/17 08:06:55.229 10 . Address: 365

09/17 08:06:55.229 11 . Observer added to the address 365

09/17 08:06:55.229 12 . Trace terminals

09/17 08:06:55.229 13 . Terminal[0] 365 is assigned to addresses 365

09/17 08:06:55.229 14 Plugin . was created and connected to CTI server.

09/17 08:06:55.229 15 OK

2. Make a call to 365. Console should show recognized CONNECTED event as


connected from: 999 to monitored 365


See Also

Connection to CTI server

Avaya Aura

Cisco JTrace


Test of Calls to ACD

Stress Test