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Create and Complete (Close) a Call

Use case scenario: The Call Acceptance editor is filled with logged user information and description. However, the incoming call is treated as not relevant.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Call Create + Close

Allows you to either clear or close the Call Acceptance Editor.

The action is available in the Call Acceptance dialog after you provide the correct Ticket categorization and classification.


Then only a Call Ticket which is directly closed can be created:

  1. Continue with the opened Call Acceptance editor.
  2. Provide correct categorization and classification – Ticket class = 'Call', Ticket type = 'General Request'.
  3. Click the Call Create + Close button.
  4. According to configuration the Call Acceptance editor is either cleared or closed.

See Also

Call Acceptance

Accept Call at Service Desk

Open Existing Ticket

Incident - Service Linking