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Generic Competencies

Generic competencies are used in evaluation by evaluating persons.

Evaluation by evaluating persons is based on generic personal evaluation inputs. These inputs are provided by specifying values of predefined evaluable competencies that can be assigned to any object type (currently Business Partner and Person).

Each defined evaluable competency has parameters by which it is possible to modify the process of calculating evaluation inputs into the resulting evaluation.

In order to set up and administer evaluable competencies of this kind, use the 'Evaluable Competencies' catalog.

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In the catalog, standard Create, Edit, Copy and Delete actions can be used. The Create or Edit action opens the 'Edit: Evaluable Competency' editor where all competency attributes can be specified.

For example, 'Professional Competency' is a competency which is used for business partners of the 'Supplier' type. A value for this competency always has to be entered (Input = Mandatory), 'Standard' calculation is used for the average competency calculation and competency weight is 200 (see 'Competency Weight' and 'Averages and Weights').

The 'Input' attribute determines whether a value for this competency always has to be provided with each evaluation. There are the following choices:

  • Mandatory

    The evaluating person will always be asked to provide a value for this competency and this value is mandatory

  • Optional: Listed Always

    The evaluating person will be asked to provide a value for this competency but this value is not mandatory

  • Optional: Only Added by Evaluator

    The evaluating person will not be asked to provide a value for this competency but it is possible to add this competency and fill it in.

  • No (Disabled) or Special

    The competency is disabled - the evaluating person is neither asked to provide the value nor can they add this competency to the requested inputs. The 'No (disabled) or Special' value is used with 'Special Competencies')

There are two values available for the 'Calculation' attribute:

  • Standard

    Standard internal calculation is used for processing this competency. 'Standard' calculation is typically used with generic competencies.

  • Special code in workflow

    'Special' calculation is used for special competencies, i.e. competencies based on data from the Incoming Goods process and stored with delivered products.

See Also

Process Setup

Special Competencies