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Debugging Settings

Debugging settings specify logging parameters and miscellaneous technical settings.

Log setup

  • Path / Log File

    Log file path and name. Use the 'Choose' button to specify a new log file.

  • Maximum size of Log File (KB)

    Log file size restriction - maximum size of the log file in MB.

  • Maximum number of backup Log Files

    Number of rotated back-up log files (except the active log file). The value can be 1 or more.

  • Log Level

    Select the extent of logging, from logging exceptions only to the most detailed level.

Log content

  • Log SQL

    If this check box is selected, the log will contain all SQL commands generated by Valuemation and sent to the connected database.

  • Log Missing Resources

    If this check box is selected, the log will contain information about resources missing in the resource bundle (such as translations, icons etc…).

  • Log deprecated methods

    If this check box is selected, the log will contain information about deprecated methods called in the session. Deprecated methods are old methods which are no longer recommended and supported (yet they are kept available for backward compatibility reasons).

Miscellaneous technical settings

  • Translate Object Types

    Select the check box to enable translations of object type names.

  • Translate  Attributes

    Select the check box to enable translations of attribute names.

  • Show Transient Workflows in the Agenda / Maximum Time

    Select the check box to enable logging of transient workflows. This can be used to find out which workflows (and subworkflows) were run during a certain user action, what the state of the workflows was, which activities were executed etc.
    Maximum Time (in minutes) determines how long the transient workflows information is kept. Workflow which finished more than the specified time ago are automatically removed.

    Warning: For performance reasons, disable logging of transient workflows when not needed.

  • Show Translation Switches in Language Menu

    Select the check box to enable translation switches in the Language Menu. If enabled, the 'Language' menu of Valuemation Rich Client menu bar contains two additional items: 'Translate Object Types' and 'Translate Attributes'. Using these commands or corresponding shortcuts ('Ctrl+Shift+O', 'Ctrl+Shift+A' - respectively) it is possible to toggle between translated and untranslated values in catalogs.

  • Show Alternative on Label Tooltip

    If selected, attribute labels on view and catalog columns display both translated and untranslated names.

  • Show view dummy labels

    Select the check box to enable the display of dummy labels in layouts with row spanning and new line settings of controls.

  • Use Tabs

    If selected, each open window in Valuemation has a tab at the top of the work area. This provides an overview of all open windows and a quick access to each of them.

    Use of tabs is by default enabled. Disabling it could be required if the user wants to fill the Rich Client work area with several windows visible at the same time.

    • Maximize windows

      This option is relevant when 'Use Tabs' is enabled. If selected, all windows (catalogs, editors and fixed windows) are automatically maximized to fill the tab area.

      Enabling both 'Use Tabs' and 'Maximize Windows' makes the windows opened in Valuemation work area behave as tabs within one window rather that a set of independent windows.

See Also




Path Settings

Web Client
