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S4: Generate the authorization data

This step generates valid content of the AMT_Info table, i.e. the encrypted authorization data mentioned in Method1 description.

4A: Locate the utility UpdateDBRole within Valuemation installation files

  • Locate the file 'UpdateDbRole.bat' within your Valuemation installation.

    The standard location of this file is: ../tools/dbauthorization

  • Make sure that the following files are also present in the same directory:


  • Open (not run) the 'UpdateDbRole.bat' file and make sure that the 'JDBC' script variable points to a valid Oracle driver (if not, change it to use the Oracle driver from the current Valuemation installation).

4B: Configure the utility

  • Edit the '' file - change attribute values to have the following meanings:

    * driver : normally keep the default value (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)

    * url : replace the host (default maj), port (default 1521) and sid (default orcl) with values of your Oracle database server

    * user : database user prepared to generate DB authorization ('Gen_User' in our examples)

    * password : corresponding password ('PSW' in our examples)

    * schema : schema of the database owner of the 'AMT_INFO' table

4C: Run the utility UpdateDBRole

  • Run the utility with the following command line (substitute 'FAR' with the name of your full access role, substitute 'PSW' with your password)

UpdateDbRole -rname FAR -rpwd PSW

4D: Check the generated DB Authorization (optional)

  • Use a database tool and connect to the Valuemation database as the owner of "core" database objects.
  • Examine the data within the table AMT_INFO.

    You should find 5 records in the table AMT_INFO, values in their 'INFO' column should be 2000 bytes long HEX strings which differ from each other.

See Also

M1: Rights Provided Via Encrypted Database Role

S1: Create a database role with a full set of rights

S2: Create a database user generating the authorization data

S3: Create a database user with limited set of rights

Notes and Recommendations