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S1: Create a database role with a full set of rights

This step creates the database role termed 'Full Access Role' in Method1 description.

1A: Find out the database user which owns the "core" database objects in Valuemation database

  • Examine the '' (or a corresponding configuration file) and remember the schema ('QUALIFIER' =) used in the 'Valuemation' section.

1B: Logon to a database tool under the schema found in the previous step

1C: Generate SQL script with atomic object rights to all objects owned by the database user

  • Create and remember a name for the future database role (the 'Full Access Role' mentioned in M1 explanation).
  • Run an appropriate SQL statement.

    For example, in Toad SQL window run the following SQL statement (substitute FAR with your database role name)

select 'grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on ' || object_name || ' to FAR;' from user_objects where object_type = 'TABLE' or object_type = 'VIEW'

  • Save the script.

    For example, in Toad Grid Data window invoke the context menu, select option = Save As and in the dialog = Save Grid Contents specify

    Format : Delimited Text

    Delimiter : Space

    Save To File : any location, eg. C:\temp\FAR_rights.sql

1D: Create the database role

  • If the Valuemation database objects owner doesn't have rights to create a database role, then connect to the database tool as a database user with these rights.
  • Create and remember a password for the database role.
  • Run the SQL statement (substitute FAR with your database role name, PASSWORD with your password)

create role FAR identified by PASSWORD;

1E: Grant the new database role all the rights to work with Valuemation database

  • Make sure that you are logged to a database tool as the owner of the Valuemation database objects.
  • In the database tool, run the SQL script you have generated in one of the previous steps (eg. C:\temp\FAR_rights.sql).

See Also

M1: Rights Provided Via Encrypted Database Role

S2: Create a database user generating the authorization data

S3: Create a database user with limited set of rights

S4: Generate the authorization data

Notes and Recommendations