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S3: Create a database user with limited set of rights

This step creates the database user termed 'Init User' in Method1 description.

3A: Create a new DB user

  • Logon to a database tool as a database user with rights to create a new users.
  • Create and remember the name and password for the new user (eg. 'Init_User' / 'PSW').
  • In your database tool, run the following SQL statement (substitute 'Init_User' and 'PSW' with your user and password)

create user Init_User identified by PSW

3B: Grant rights to the user

  • Run SQL statement (substitute 'Init_User' with your user)

grant connect to Init_User

  • Make sure that you are logged on as the owner of the Valuemation database objects.
  • Run SQL statements (substitute 'Init_User' with your user, substitute 'FAR' with the name of your full access role)

grant select on AMT_INFO to Init_User

grant FAR to Init_User

  • Run SQL statement (substitute 'Init_User' with your user, substitute 'FAR' with the name of your full access role)

alter user Init_User default role all except FAR

(the 'Init User' has a role with all rights to the Valuemation database but this role is not active automatically after logon)

See Also

M1: Rights Provided Via Encrypted Database Role

S1: Create a database role with a full set of rights

S2: Create a database user generating the authorization data

S4: Generate the authorization data

Notes and Recommendations