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Create a Report Based on Another Report

Oftentimes, you may want to create a report by modifying an already existing one. To do this, use the 'Deep Copy' function found in either the Catalog menubar or context-sensitive menu.

Deep Copy duplicates an object and all its parts (i.e. aggregated objects). "Deep Copy' of a report opens a copy of the report (including its report items) in the report editor.

In order to create a report based on another one:

  • Select the original report and use the 'Deep Copy' function. Report editor with a copy of the original report gets opened.
  • In the 'Report Info' tab of the editor, give the copied report a new name.
  • All parameters are a copy of the original ones - make adjustments as needed.
  • Save the newly created report

See Also

Examples: How to

Create a Print Version of a Catalog

Create a Complex Report With Parameters