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Initializing Plan Items From a Contract

Plan items may be created by initializing them from payment schedules of existing contracts. This is done by the Initialize From Contract action started from the Plan Editor.

The action opens the Initialize From Existing Contract window where selection of suitable payment schedules is done.

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Window Component

Function / Meaning

Payment Schedule Period

Set time period, only payment schedules within this time interval will be selected

Payment Schedule Additional Condition

If an additional condition for payment schedule has been specified, it is displayed here

Modify Condition

Use this button to manually add an additional condition to the selection criteria set by other controls in this window or modify a previously added additional condition. This is done in the Edit Query window, see below

Conditionally Selected

Lists all payment schedules selected on the basis of the specified selection criteria

Individually Selected

Enables manual selection of individual payment schedules regardless of the selection criteria. Use the Assign action (context menu, button)

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The result is a list of payment schedules used to initialize plan items. Schedules complying with the selection criteria but falling outside the plan's plan horizon are displayed in red.

See Also

Creating Plan Items

Creating Plan Items Manually

Importing Plan/Plan Items From a CSV File

Initialize Plan Items by Contract Payment Schedules