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Service Message

This page provides configuration of login dialog messages for Valuemation Rich and Web Client.

  • Login Message

    Text entered here will be used in the login dialog displayed when Valuemation Rich Client starts. Text formatting is not supported for this message.

    If left blank, no message is displayed in the Rich Client login dialog.

  • Login Message in HTML (For web only)

    The text entered here will be used in the login page displayed when Valuemation Web Client starts. HTML text formatting is supported for this message.

    If left blank, text specified for the Rich Client (in the 'Login Message' field above) is displayed in the Web Client login page.

  • Display message when login dialog is bypassed

    If this check box is selected, the service message will also be displayed when Single Sign On (SSO) authentication is used.

See Also

Miscellaneous Setting Pages


Plan Payments
