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General Settings

General Settings select the default mail system and configure basic e-mail options.

  • Mail System

    Select the mail system to be used (SMTP, Microsoft Outlook or Windows Messaging).

  • Content type

    Select format of mail message (text/plain or text/html).

  • Character set

    Select the character set used in mail messages.

  • Regular Expression for Email Address Validity Check

    In this field it is possible to define a customer-specific regular expression for validation of email addresses in views and in workflow activity 'Send Mail'. The setting is stored in mainparameter (PARAM="MailSystem.EmailAddress.ValidationRegex", PATH="MailSystem"). When not defined, a default expression is used. Since version 5.0 this standard expression supports internationalized domain names, in older Valuemation versions a custom expression needs to be supplied if IDN support is requested.

    The standard regular expression which supports IDN is:


    Please see also the 'Validate Mail Address' option in the View Customizer.

See Also



Microsoft Outlook