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Mass Creation

This action enables creation of multiple distributions in one pass. Quantities is distributed from each source to all specified target distribution elements.

  • To mass create distributions, navigate to the Distributions reference catalog on the Distributions Networks editor.
  • Call the Mass Create Distributions action.
  • The New: Create Distributions editor gets opened.

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Window Component

Function / Meaning

Input Percentage / Input Quality

Portion of the source elements allocated to the target elements - represented either as absolute quantity or a percentage. The setting made here will uniformly apply to all elements selected in the Source Elements / Target Elements tabs

Input Quantity MU

Measure unit used for the distributed quantities

Source Multiplicity

Distributions can be created from one source element or multiple source elements.

If "one" radio button is selected (i.e. one source element), a referenced view is used to display the source element.

If "many" radio button is selected (i.e. multiple source elements), an additional tab placed next to the Target Elements tab is used to display the source elements.

Source Elements

Elements which are being distributed

Target Elements

Elements to which (a portions of) the source element are allocated. Quantities are distributed from each source to all specified target distribution elements.

Use the Search action (button, context menu) to open a catalog of distribution elements for the source / target element selection. Multiple selection is possible. Edit calls the Edit: Distribution Element window for the distribution currently selected in the reference list, Create calls the New: Distribution Element window for a new element creation. Remove removes the selected distribution element from the Source / Target Elements reference list.

Press OK to save the new distributions.

In the Distribution Network editor press Apply and Recalculate Percentage.

See Also

Creating Distributions

Manual Creation
