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The parameters used by setReadLimit and getReadLimit include:

aCurrentClient - a Boolean variable. Specifies if to set/get read limit given to current client (A region dividing objects in the databas. The ability to support Client allows a company to create several completely independent and separate regions within one Valuemation database. Each client then has its own data and configuration and can work independently of the other clients. Maintaining separate regions of data is an efficient and secure way of using one installation to provide services for different clients. Users can switch clients both on logon and in the runtime during their work. The process of assigning users to clients is client mapping.), or to all clients. If aCurrentUser parameter is true, aCurrentClient parameter is irrelevant.

aCurrentUser - a Boolean variable. Specifies if to set/get read limit given to current user, or to all users. If aCurrentUser parameter is true, aCurrentClient parameter is irrelevant.

aLimitType - a type of the limit which can receive either LIMIT_TO_MANY constant for 'reference list' case or LIMIT_CATALOG constant for 'catalog' case.

aForTechnicalType - specifies if the limit is for technical object types (true) or business object types (false).

aLimit - max count of items in the collection. You can use UNLIMITED_VALUE constants for unlimited settings.

See Also

Read Limit on Catalogues and Collections

Setting Read Limit

Getting Read Limit