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Read Limit on Catalogues and Collections

Read limit represents the upper limit on a number of business objects loaded from the database at a time, when a request arises, for example, to display them through a catalog. This might be extremely useful when working with very large sets of data, which might well run into hundreds of thousands of business object (Business object is an entity in an information system bearing some information. In Valuemation, all Valuemation objects are called "business objects") and it would obviously make no sense to list them all at once. Therefore, the purpose of setting such a limit is to maintain a clear output easy to orientate in and also, to lower the system load and thus ensure a rapid response time for all users.

The read limit can be defined as a global or as a client or user specific parameter. Furthermore, you can set specific read limits for various places in Valuemation where a large number of objects is usually loaded at a time, including Catalogs and ToManyViews. Generally, the settings for Catalogs apply also to all other collections (ApiCollections, ApiBOCollections), except ToManyViews, which have their own separate read limit. All of the above enables you to tune up your system precisely according to the particular needs of each user, given by the type of their work within the company or the amount of data they usually work with.

In This Chapter

Setting Read Limit

Getting Read Limit


See Also

Containers and Collections



Combatibility with JAVA Conventions

