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Example: Person "works for" Organizational Unit

The relation Person „works for“ Organizational Unit is an example of an 1:n relationship. A person works in one Organizational Unit, an Organizational Unit has many people assigned to it.

The relation uses the attribute Organizational UnitId, which is the Primary Key in the Organizational Unit business object and a Foreign Key in the Person business object.

Side of Relation





Relation attribute may be empty


Relation is optional. You may document that a person works for an Organizational Unit , but it is not mandatory


Instances are relation dependent


Instances are not relation dependent. It is possible to change the Organizational Unit of a person (without deleting).


Relation attribute may be empty


Relation is optional. You may document that an Organizational Unit is where a person works but it is not mandatory. An Organizational Unit may have no persons assigned.


Instances are relation dependent


 Instances are not relation dependent. It is possible to change the assignment (without deleting).


Relation Attribute is collection


More than one person may work in an Organizational Unit.

See Also


Example: Contract Item - Contract Relation in Detail

Example: Various Relation Scenarios

Example: N:M Relationship

Example: Time Related N:M Relationship

Example: Cost Center "is managed by" Person

Example: Organizational Unit "is managed by" Person

Example: Person "is assigned to" Cost Center

Example: System "is of" System Type