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Metamodel Repair

If the ‘Repair’ option is selected, those metamodel check discrepancies for which repair has been implemented are corrected.

The text below lists changes made automatically when the corresponding 'Check Option' check box is selected and repair is enabled (the 'Repair' check box is selected).

  • Some repair actions also affect business data. These actions are listed in bold font.
  • Check options with no listed actions do not perform any repairs even if they are selected together with the 'Repair' check box

List of repairs performed for individual metamodel check options


  1. Deletes node properties from non-customizable nodes
  2. Updates nested action properties from action group
  3. Updates the order of link actions in action set
  4. Deletes duplicate actions from action sets
  5. Fixes commit-enabled flags
  6. Fixes the order of the Ok, Cancel and Apply actions
  7. Deletes relation actions without an object type
  8. Fixes wrong attribute names in relation actions


  1. Removes permissions to nonexistent objects
  2. Fixes attribute names in permissions
  3. Deletes permissions for 'always enabled' actions


  1. Trims formulas, shorttexts, names
  2. Deletes calculations referencing unknown object types
  3. Fixes attribute names in formulas

Catalog Properties

  1. Deletes catalog properties referencing non-existent folders
  2. Deletes catalog properties referencing non-existent catalog info objects
  3. Deletes catalog properties referencing wrong catalogs


  1. Repairs/removes header filter conditions
  2. Joins duplicate rendering conditions
  3. Removes columns referencing non-existent attributes
  4. Removes catalogs referencing non-existent object types
  5. Removes sort attributes referencing non-existent attributes
  6. Removes quick search attributes referencing non-existent attributes
  7. Sets the default flag to one of the catalogs of an object type if no default catalog for the object type exists
  8. Removes nodes referencing non-existent attributes
  9. Finds (and removes) wrong records in catalog property calendar selection, i.e. records in AMT_CATPROPCALSEL which assign catalog usage to a different catalog base than the catalog base of the catalog property.

Database Constraints

  1. Fixes mandatory flags of attributes according to DB columns

Export Filter

  1. Removes duplicate export filters

Free Storage Items

  1. Deletes orphan records


  1. Removes business key configurations for unknown object types
  2. Fixes attribute names in business key configurations

Module Assignment to Translation of Application Text

  1. Fixes module assignment to translations according usage of translations

Object Types

  1. Deletes incorrect default values of attributes (e.g. incorrectly specified calculated default values which cannot be evaluated)
  2. Deletes audit definitions that are not bound to an attribute or a relation
  3. Updates object type table modes
  4. Updates unique indexes of object types
  5. Updates foreign keys of object types
  6. Updates fulltext indexes of object types
  7. Sets mandatory flags for multitenancy attributes
  8. Updates column information from db tables to metamodel
  9. Sets preferred index when no preferred index is set
  10. Fixes wrongly configured translation support


  1. Removes trailing spaces from the end of each line in the description of BpmProcess and BpmFlowObject and replaces \r\n with \n.


  1. Fixes relations that should be transient
  2. Removes wrong default value settings
  3. Fixes mandatory flags for multitenancy
  4. Fixes mandatory flags for partial relations


  1. Removes tables based on an unknown object type
  2. Removes columns based on an unknown attribute
  3. Removes report parameters based on an unknown object type


  1. Removes valuesets from rule setting when they are already set for an attribute
  2. Repairs shared conditions for validation rules
  3. Trims rule names and descriptions
  4. Fixes attribute names in rule attribute properties
  5. Fixes attributes in rules

Translations of Application Text

Translations of Business Object

  1. Removes invalid translations

Value Sets

  1. Fixes attribute names used in valuesets


  1. Removes empty maps from control properties
  2. Repairs wrong names of default focusable attributes
  3. Removes default flags from simple search views
  4. Ensures that default flags have just one view
  5. Sets default control to fields that have not set control
  6. Removes fields bound to non-existent attributes
  7. Associates corresponding catalogs to reference catalog sections with missing catalog association
  8. Removes duplicate properties of fields
  9. Fixes mandatory flags of fields in cases when the attribute is mandatory and the field is not mandatory
  10. Fixes coordinates of fields in views

Workflow Definitions

  1. Deletes incorrect layouts of nodes and transitions
  2. Deletes duplicate outgoing transitions
  3. Removes trailing spaces from python script nodes
  4. Fixes free storage items related to metaworkflows
  5. Deletes node properties from non-customizable nodes
  6. Deletes duplicate script codes from node properties
  7. Deletes duplicate activity parameters from node properties


  1. De-duplicates blobs
  2. Deletes orphan attachments
  3. Deletes attachments for unknown object types
  4. Updates image size of attachments

Generic Data

Getter Test


  1. Fixes translations of application text according to the real use of uppercase/lowercase characters in file names
  2. Fixes icon filenames of object types according to the real use of uppercase/lowercase characters in file names
  3. Fixes icon filenames of view sections according to the real use of uppercase/lowercase characters in file names

Image Files Usage

Module Assignment

Node Styles

  1. Removes assignments of unknown node styles

Rich Text Values

  1. Fixes richtexts containing wrong 'endofline' characters
  2. Updatesplain texts according to corresponding rich texts (if different, copies formatting-stripped rich text into the corresponding plain text attribute)

Rule Conditions Runtime Test

Time Related Relations Data

See Also

Using the Check Options Pane