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Service Method

Service method is used to automatically generate service parameters into new service templates.

Service methods are administered via the 'Service Methods' catalog. In standard Valuemation, the catalog can be found in the 'Service Specification Model' folder of the 'Service Metamodel' section of the 'Service Level Manager' and 'Service Portfolio Manager' sidebar.

Service method can be assigned and used at three levels:

  • Service Method assigned globally in the settings

    Use the 'Service Method' field of 'SLM/SMP Settings' to assign a service method globally.

    As a result, when a new service template is created, it gets automatically populated with service parameters according to the globally assigned service method.

  • Service method assigned to a service class

    Use the 'Method' field of a service class editor to assign a service method to the edited service class.

    As a result, when a new service template of the corresponding service class is created, it gets automatically populated with service parameters according to the service method assigned to the service class.

  • Service method assigned to a Service Attribute

    Use the 'Method' field of a service attribute editor to assign a service method to the edited service attribute.

    Service parameter types can be assigned to so called 'Service Attributes'. Service attribute is an additional (to service parameter type and service parameter class) way of service parameter grouping. A service parameter type can belong to many service attributes.

    As a result:

    If a service parameter belongs (via its service parameter type) to service attribute which has a particular method assigned, then the service parameter is used when the method is called.

    Service attributes are administered via the 'Service Attributes' catalog. In standard Valuemation, the catalog can be found in the 'Service Specification Model' folder of the 'Service Metamodel' section of the 'Service Level Manager' and 'Service Portfolio Manager' sidebar.

    Example of a Service Attribute: 'Service Consumer Benefits' with two service types assigned.

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See Also

SPM/SLM Settings