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Other Settings

To be able to access the defined Web Service Client from outside, the following conditions must be met:

  • The 'use.web.service.clients' mainparameter must be set to true.
  • The Web Service Client must be enabled.
  • You must also have the access token of the Web Service Client.

To set the 'use.web.service.clients' mainparameter:

  1. Go to the 'Valuemation Core' Business View.
  2. Open the 'Mainparameters' catalog.
  3. Search for the mainparameter:

    Path: Webservice

    Parameter: use.web.service.clients

  4. Double-click to open the parameter in the editor.
  5. Set the Value to true.

    If set to false, the Valuemation Web Services will not be accessible for the external client application.

Note: The 'enabled' parameter and the 'access token' are part of the Web Service Client definition.

See Also

Valuemation Web Services


Web Services in Valuemation

Web Service Authorization

Processing a Service Request