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Python Script and Diacritics

Using umlauts in the Python script can render the script inoperable.

To avoid the problems, please follow these rules:

  1. Never use umlauts directly in scripts (including comments), in scripts inside script tasks and in conditions in processes.
  2. If an umlaut has to be used in strings, then:
    • Use u-prefixed-strings
    • For the special characters, use the "\u-escape sequence"

      See also the following link for more info:

    Here is a basic set of escape sequences:


ä = \u00e4

ü = \u00fc


Ä = \u00c4

Ü = \u00dc


ö = \u00f6

ß = \u00df


Ö = \u00d6




A complete list of escape codes can be found here:

See Also

Script Editor

Using the Script Editor

Script Editor Window

Search in the Script Editor

Code Completion
