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Selecting a Support Group Automatically

When an End User, who is mapped to the 'End User' Support Group, creates a Ticket, the 'Service Desk' Support Group is assigned to that Ticket by default. This is configured in the 'createUserTicket.supportgroup_IN' and 'createUserTicket.supportgroup_SR' mainparameters.

To make the Support Group assignment more configurable, a support for Competency Rules has been implemented. The individual Competency Rules allow the End User Tickets to be assigned to a different Support Group based on a specific condition.

To create a new Competency Rule:

  1. Open the 'Competency Rules' catalog, right-click and select 'Create' from the menu.

    A 'New: Competency Rule' editor opens.

  2. Fill in the individual attributes.
    • Name

      The name of the Competency Rule.

    • Valid for

      Specifies which Object Type is the Competency Rule valid for. 'Ticket' or 'Release' objects are available.

    • Comment

      Add any comment.

    • Condition

      Specify a condition by clicking the 'Edit Condition' button below. A Query editor is called and a complex condition can be created.

    • Support Group

      Assign an existing Support Group which becomes the target Support Group when the Competency Rule comes into effect.

  3. Click 'OK' to complete.

The Competency Rules are used when the Support Groups being assigned have the 'Default pass on Target Group' field set to 'Knowhow dependent'. For details, please see the 'Support Group' topic.


To assign a new End user Ticket to the 'First Level' Support Group, let's create a new Competency Rule with the following settings:

  • Name = End User
  • Valid for = Ticket
  • Condition = supportgroup.supportgroup == 'END USER'
  • Support Group = First Level

Edit the 'End User' Support Group and set the ''Default pass on Target Group' field to 'Knowhow dependent' value. This means that the new Ticket assignment will be based on Competency Rules.

See Also

Related to End User Self-Service

Ticket Creation Date