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Autorecalculation in Use

The activity operates with the 'Date Planned Start' and 'Date Planned End' date fields. These fields state the Date and Time from which work on the activity may begin and by which the activity should be completed.

Above there is the Autorecalculation checkbox.

This checkbox determines the behavior of planned start and planned end dates of the activity:

  • If selected, the 'Date Planned Start' and 'Date Planned End' fields will be disabled and the start/end dates of the activity will be calculated on the basis of previous activities (or a ticket).
  • If clear, the 'Date Planned Start' and 'Date Planned End' fields will be enabled a the fixed date and time set by a user will be used.

Example 1: Autorecalculation enabled

  1. Two activities with sequence numbers 1 and 2 are related to an Incident.

    The following dates are set:

    Help Image

    The dates show that once the first activity ends (02/17/2005 08:06:00), the second activity starts immediately (02/17/2005 08:06:00).

  2. The Autorecalculation checkbox in the second activity (sequence no. 2) is selected.
  3. Edit the first activity (sequence no.1) and change its Estimation from 1 hour to 5 hours.
  4. Save and close the activity.

    You can see that the date in the second activity has been recalculated automatically:

    Help Image

Example 2: Autorecalculation disabled

  1. Two activities with sequence numbers 1 and 2 are related to an Incident.

    The following dates are set:

    Help Image

    The dates show that once the first activity ends (02/17/2005 08:06:00), the second activity starts immediately (02/17/2005 08:06:00).

  2. The Autorecalculation checkbox in the second activity (sequence no. 2) is clear.
  3. Edit the first activity (sequence 1) and change its Estimation from 1 hour to 5 hours.
  4. Save and close the activity.

    You can see that the date in the second activity has not been recalculated:

    Help Image

See Also

Processing Activities