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Additional SSO Configuration

Some additional features can be configured by the parameters set in the 'web.xml' file:

  • ignoreSSOSettings

    When set to true, SSO is disabled for the specific servlet instance. The 'SSOEnabled' mainparameter is ignored. It can be used for environments where there are more servers running on the same Valuemation DB and it is required to have the SSO enabled on one server and disabled on the other one.

  • ssoReloginBySessionTimeout

    When set to true and SSO is on, the Valuemation user is automatically re-logged when the session expires.

  • logoutURL

    Use this parameter when a special page is requested to be displayed after logout from Valuemation, e.g. to process logout from another system responsible for the user authentication.

  • vmweb.servlet.workingpath

    Defines the URL servlet path used for the redirection after the successful login. Use with special login servlet mapping together with the Kerberos-SSO when only the login url has been "Kerberized".

See Also

Single Sign On (SSO)

Main SSO Configuration

Examples of SSO Configurations

Recommended SSO Methods for Different Environments

Configuration of Browsers